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Program Locations

When I look back on what I thought about going abroad, I remember worrying that it would be just like a quarter on campus, only a campus where people have cool accents and drive on the wrong side of the road. I couldn’t have been more wrong. If I had to pick one part of the Stanford in Australia program to rave about (a nearly impossible task), it would have to be how dynamic and unique it really is. Libby Burch’s Profile »

Indeed, the crossroads between lecture, fieldwork, and location is what makes this program extraordinary. It was such a pleasure to take concepts learned in lecture with our professors out to the field. After learning about the role of fire in Australian ecosystems, we were led into a forested wilderness to observe the effects of fire regimes first hand. Kristen Malinak’s Profile »

photo of Norman DukeStudy with Dr Norm Duke, Principal Research Fellow, University of Queensland. Course taught: Coastal Forest Ecosystems.Apply Now

Targeted Research

A Targeted Research Project is an integral and required part of the Australia program. The University of Queensland faculty members will mentor individuals or groups of students in research projects on topics of interest proposed by the students within designated disciplinary areas.

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