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Program Locations


Do I have to register in order to participate?
Yes, you must register for our Reunion by May 1, 2010. After that date it will no longer be possible to register on-line for the event.

How do I make reservations?
You can register on-line here

How do I pay?
You can pay online with Visa, Mastercard or American Express. Alternatively, payment can be made by check. All checks should be made payable to Stanford University and sent to:

Stanford Overseas Studies Program
Florence 50th Anniversary Reunion
Sweet Hall, Ground Floor
590 Escondido Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-3089

Is my payment refundable?
If you cancel on or before April 20, 2010 you will be charged a cancellation fee of $50.00. If you cancel after that date, you will forfeit the entire registration cost.

May I bring a guest who is not an alum of the Stanford University in Florence Program?
Yes, you are welcome to bring one or more guests and/or family members at a reduced rate. There is no fee for children age 12 and under.

Is the Reunion child-friendly?
Everyone is welcome to participate in the Sunday evening reception, but we feel that the events on Monday and Tuesday morning would not be of any interest to young children. Some of the afternoon visits are more suited to children than others though very small children probably would not find them interesting. We are happy to give you suggestions for what to do in Florence with small children (especially in the summer). We are not in a position to provide or recommend babysitting services.

Can you take care of flight and/or hotel reservations for me?
No, participants must arrange their own flights and hotels. Please click here if you would like to book a hotel in Florence through the Effetto Italy travel agency.

Do you have any restaurant recommendations?

Please download our Guide to Eating In and Around Florence

Do you have any recommended readings or films?

Please download a bibliography and short filmography prepared by Professor Martin Evans.

How can I know who else has reserved?
Please see the "Look Who's Coming" page, some alums have requested we omit their names from the list.

Is there some way I can participate in the Celebration, even if cannot make the actual trip to Florence?
We would love to hear from you with memories of your time abroad in Florence. We are also very interested in photographs and hope to compile a collection of photographs from alums over the entire fifty years. Please email them to us.

While we have contacted all alumnae and alumni of the program, another crucial way you can participate in our celebration is by spreading the word to friends and family members who also attended the Stanford Program in Florence.