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Program Locations

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Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies


Established in 1989, the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS), is a rigorous, two-semester academic program primarily for undergraduates wishing to do advanced work in the Japanese language and in Japanese studies. The program is open to all qualified students who have completed two or more years of college-level Japanese language at the time of enrollment.

KCJS is administered by Columbia University on behalf of Stanford and the other 13 American university members of the consortium. The program admits up to 40-50 students, mostly from the consortium schools, each year. Students are encouraged to integrate into the local community by living with a Japanese family and through participation in a variety of extracurricular activities that provide a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. For additional information, please refer to the KCJS website.

Stanford students may apply for one or two of the six semester slots supported by the Bing Overseas Studies Program.  Students who are accepted for these positions remain enrolled at Stanford while studying at KCJS, giving them uninterrupted eligibility for financial aid and allowing their courses and grades to be recorded directly on their transcripts. Stanford campus inquiries can be sent to [email protected].


Application Process

Stanford students must apply through the Columbia University online application system at

The application consists of:

  1. Columbia University online application
  2. Academic recommendation
  3. Language recommendation
  4. Study Abroad Approval Form (to be completed by the Bing Overseas Studies Program)
  5. Official transcript
  6. KCJS scholarship application, if applicable (please see the separate deadline on the KCJS program website)
  7. Stanford study abroad registration (to be completed thorugh the Bing Overseas Program's website at
  • Your official transcript (#5) should be submitted to the Bing Overseas Studies Program (located on the ground floor of Sweet Hall) before the stated campus application deadline, which will then be mailed directly to Columbia University.
  • In order to have your Study Abroad Approval Form completed, please email BOSP at least one week before the stated application deadline.
  • You will be asked to scan and unload your transcript when completing your online application. You must therefore request 2 copies of official transcripts, one for yourself to scan and upload on your online application, and one in a sealed envelope for submission to the Bing Overseas Studies Program.

The Stanford campus application deadline for the Fall Semester and Academic Year 2013-14 is January 27, 2013 at 11:59PM PST. Interested students should stop by the BOSP office for more information or visit the "How do I apply" page to start the application.


Program Summary

Program Location Quarter(s)
Prerequisites Language of Instruction Living Arrangements Enrollment Capacity
Kyoto Fall, Spring and Full year

JAPANLNG 23 or equivalent required

Japanese Homestay, Apartment and Guest House 6 (per academic year)


The objective of KCJS is to provide intensive Japanese language study and the opportunity to choose from a broad spectrum of social sciences and humanities courses on premodern and contemporary Japan. The program takes advantage of the numerous social and cultural resources of Kyoto by incorporating into the curriculum field trips, guest speakers, and research projects based on local field work.

Academic Prerequisites

For the Fall or Spring Semester and Full Academic Year, participants must have completed JAPANLNG 23 or equivalent before they participate in the program.


Related On-Campus Courses:
ANTHSCI 24 Cultural History of Japan
ARTHIST 184 Aristocrats, Warriors, Sex Workers, and Barbarians: Lived Life in Early Modern Japanese Painting
ARTHIST 186 Theme and Style in Japanese Art
ARTHIST 187 Arts of War and Peace: Late Medieval and early Modern Japan, 1500-1868
ARTHIST 287A The Japanese Tea Ceremony: The History, Aesthetics, and Politics Behind a National Pastime
CASA 128 The History of Japan
CASA 128B Globalization and Japan
CASA 77 Japanese Society and Culture
HISTORY 194B Japan in the Age of the Samurai
HISTORY 195C Modern Japanese History
HISTORY 297E Meiji Japan
HISTORY 298A Modernizing Women in Japan
HISTORY 92S Lives of the Samurai
IPS 225 Japanese Politics and Political Economy
JAPANGEN 115 History of Japanese popular culture
JAPANGEN 137 Classical Japanese Literature in Translation
JAPANGEN 138 Survey of Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
JAPANGEN 148 Modern Japanese narratives: Literature and Film
JAPANGEN 149 Screening Japan: Issues in Crosscultural Interpretation
JAPANGEN 51 Japanese Business Culture
JAPANGEN 66 Modern Japanese Women Writers
JAPANGEN 6 Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory
JAPANGEN 71N Language and Gender in Japan: Myths and Reality
JAPANGEN 92 Traditional East Asian Civilization: Japan
JAPANLIT 143 Reinscribing Loss: On Japanese Modernity and the Literature of Unclaimed Experience
JAPANLIT 157 Points in Japanese Grammar
JAPANLIT 170 The Tale of Genji and Its Historical Reception
JAPANLIT 177 Structure of Japanese
POLISCI 112 Japanese Foreign Policy
POLISCI 148T Political Parties and Elections in Japan
POLISCI 345R Political Economy of Japan

Student Advisor Profile


Scott Parks — Fall Semester 2011-12
MAJOR: Asian Languages, Japanese and Linguistics  

Scott's email: [email protected]

The fashion, the anime, the traditions, the games, the technology, the art, and the language. Young people are attracted to Japan for all kinds of reasons, and I am no exception. I’ve known since high school that I wanted to study abroad in Japan, and I’ve been making the necessary preparations to do so since I came to Stanford. I took the classes, studied the language and culture, took purikura (sticker pictures) in San Francisco’s Japan Town, and I even used a Japanese-style high-tech toilet that squirts your backside when you press the right button. I thought I was ready.Read full profile »

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