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Program Locations


Research & Internships

Internship Opportunities

Students who are interested receiving credit for an internship while in Santiago begin by working as volunteers during their first quarter at the center. Previous volunteer placements have included homes for abandoned children, malnutrition clinics, and Santiago's largest orphanage, as well as church-related groups, and local support groups for people with AIDS. During a second or third quarter, the student may then enroll for three units of credit if a student's supervisor at the volunteer institution agrees to serve as an internship monitor (recording attendance and verifying participation) and if the student's written proposal is approved by the director. Interns must then complete at least 90 hours of volunteer work and write a three-page paper related to their experience.

One-quarter students have many volunteer options, but only very limited internship opportunities for academic credit. Paid internships are not available in Santiago.

Research Opportunities

Student Grants for Research Overseas

Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) administers several grants that can support research overseas, including the Quarterly and Major Grants. Help to prepare for the grant competitions is available via email. For deadlines, directions, and specific policies regarding off-campus research, please visit the UAR student grants website.