Meet the Beijing Faculty
Classes at the Beijing Program are taught by faculty from Peking University (PKU), the Center Director, and by one Stanford Faculty-in-Residence per quarter. The PKU faculty, many of whom hold graduate degrees from U.S. institutions, teach all Stanford courses in English.
The Chinese language classes are taught by instructors from PKU. Language teachers specialize in teaching Chinese to native speakers of English and coursework is designed in collaboration with the Stanford Language Center and Stanford’s Department of Asian Languages.
Upcoming Faculty-in-Residence
Autumn 2012-13 | Xiaoze Xie | Art and Art History |
Spring 2012-13 | Zhi-Xun Shen | Applied Physics |
Autumn 2013-14 | Haiyan Lee | East Asian Languages and Cultures |
Spring 2013-14 | Jindong Cai | Music |
Local Faculty
- Professor Dong Chen
- Dong Chen is an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics at Peking University. He received his Ph.D. in Business Economics from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2005, and obtained his master's degree from University of Victoria, Canada, and bachelor's degree from Chongqing University, China. Dr. Chen's research and teaching interests include industrial organization, applied econometrics, and Chinese economy.
- Li Chen
- 2nd Year Language Instructor
Peking University -
Hello! My name is Chen Li. I have worked as a Chinese instructor at Peking University since 1994. I was awarded an M.A. in linguistics from Peking University in 1994 and a B.A. in Chinese language and literature from Renmin University in 1991. My field of specialization is the grammar of Modern Chinese. I'm also interested in Chinese culture, especially Buddhism.
The first time I taught for Stanford was in 2001, for the summer Chinese program. I have also previously taught with BOSP. I like Stanford's beautiful campus and the nice weather, but what impressed me most were my students. They were very diligent and cooperative. They are always prepared well for class, and I really appreciate that. The Chinese classes I have taught at Stanford will live forever in my memory.
- Professor Wenxiang Gong
Professor Gong is the Executive Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University. He received his BA in 1967 and his MA in 1981 from Peking University (doctoral degrees were not offered at this time). His courses and his research interests include comparative culture and communication studies, media studies, communication theory, rhetorical strategies (or the art of persuasion), and distinctive patterns in Chinese ways of communicating. He has held the post of Director of the Institute of Culture and Communication at Peking University since 2001, and was appointed the Vice-Chair of the Communication Association of China in 2006.
- Professor Anshan Li
Lin Anshan is professor of School of International Studies and director of the Institute of Afro-Asian Studies at Peking University.His publications include A History of Chinese Overseas in Africa (Beijing, 2000), British Rule and Rural Protest in Southern Ghana (New York, Peter Lang, 2002), Studies on African Nationalism (Beijing, 2004), Social History of Chinese Overseas in Africa: Selected Documents, 1800-2005 (Hong Kong, 2006), etc., and articles in academic journals both in Chinese and English. His interest covers China-African relations, African history, colonialism, Chinese overseas, comparative nationalism and development studies. Invited as a guest, he attended FOCAC-Beijing Summit (2006). He holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Toronto. He is currently advisor to the Overseas Affairs Office of the State Council, PRC, vice president of Chinese Society of African Historical Studies, and deputy director of Center for African Studies at Peking University.
- Professor Bobai Li
Bobai Li is Associate Professor of organizational management at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University, Illinois. He received his MA and PhD, both in Sociology, from Stanford in 1997 and 2001 respectively. Dr. Li was Assistant Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University before joining Peking University in 2006. His research interests include social inequality, labor markets, and economic sociology.
- Professor Kun Li
Dr. Kun Li is Associate Professor and Chair of Department of Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University.
Prof. Li received her BA in English Language and Literature from Shanxi University, China, MA in Journalism from China Academy of Social Sciences, MLS in Library Science and Ph.D. in Communication from University of Oregon.
Before teaching at Peking University in 1997, Prof. Li taught in various universities in China, Japan and US.
Prof. Li's research interests are theory of communication, comparative studies of media systems, American media studies, international communication, among others.
- Professor Liyan Qin
Dr. Qin is a Lecturer from the Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture at the Chinese Department of Peking University. She received her BA and MA from Peking University in Political Science and English Literature respectively. She also holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Qin’s research areas include Chinese films and literature, and the relationship between Chinese and English literature.
- Professor Shizhou Wang
Professor Shizhou Wang (born on 20 June 1953 in Fujian Province, PR China) studied at the Law Faculty of Peking University (1978-1985), where he received his LL.B. and his first LL.M. degree, and also at the Law School of the University of California at Berkeley, USA (1987-1988), where he received his second LL.M degree as a CLEEC scholar. From 1994 to 1996 he worked on a research project as Alexsand-von-Humboldt Research Fellow in Max-Planck-Institute of Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg and in the University of Augsburg, Germany. He also worked in Advanced Legal Studies in University of London in 2004 as a British Academy K C Wong’ Research Fellow. He has been the Law Faculty of Peking University since 1985 and is Professor of Law & LL.D Supervisor now with the principal subjects of Chinese criminal law, comparative criminal law and international criminal law. Since 2007, Professor Wang has been the Visiting Professor of Stanford Bing Overseas Campus in Beijing.
Professor Wang worked on the drafting of the Chinese Anti-Security Fraud Regulation, provided legal consultative opinions for Chinese Security Law, Copyright Law and many separate criminal regulations and participated in the preliminary work for the drafting of the Chinese Criminal Code of 1997.
By the end of 2007, Prof. Wang has published twenty textbooks, monographs, translation books either under his own authorship or as an editor, some of which are published by foreign publishing houses such as Kluwer International in Holland and some have won national prizes. In addition, Prof. Wang has numerous articles published, many of which are written in English and German and published in the law journals in Europe, United States, Germany, Poland, Great Britain as well as Chinese Taiwan. His articles have been translated into Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Russian.
- Professor Suolao Wang
Suolao Wang is an Associate Professor in the School of International Studies, Peking University of China. He received a B.A. in History from Northwestern University in 1985, an M.A. in Afro-Asian History from Peking University in 1989, and a Ph.D. in International Politics from Peking University in 2000.
He has been a faculty member of Peking University since 1989 and went to pursue further studies in the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Dar El-Ulum in Cairo University of Egypt, 1992-1994. He also did research work as a visiting scholar in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2001-2002; and in the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Leiden University of the Netherlands, 2007-2008.
He can speak English as well as Arabic; main research areas include Middle East Issues, Islamic Issues, Modern Relationships between China and the Mideast and Africa. Currently he is an executive member of China's Association for Middle Eastern Studies, and member of China's Association for Afro-Asian Studies. His theses include "Analysis of Egyptian Nationalism", "The Impact of 9/11 Events on the Middle East Peace Process", "Is Muslim the Provocateur of Wars in the Comtemporary World?", "The Recent Lebanon-Israeli War and America's Idea of 'a New Middle East'", "Egypt's Unique Position and its Effective Role in Sino-African Cooperation" and others.
- Yan Wang
Hello! My name is Wang Yan. I have been a Chinese language instructor at Peking University since 1998. My field of specialization is the Theory of Chinese as a second language. I'm also interested in Chinese culture, Chinese history.
I taught Stanford students in 2006 and 2007 as a visiting scholar in Stanford. I also taught Stanford students for Stanford Beijing Program on the previous spring quarter. I am deeply impressed by Stanford students. They were clever and diligent. I am looking forward to teaching the new Stanford students in Beijing for the coming autumn quarter.
- Professor Pei Zhang
Pei Zhang is Associate Professor in the Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Department of Chinese at Beijing University. He received his B.A. in 1995 from Shanghai International Studies University, his M.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures from Fudan University in 1998, and his Ph.D. from the Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture at Peking university in 2001. He was a visiting scholar at Paris IV (Sorbonne) in 2001-02 and was a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Beijing University, 2001-2003. Publications include Life of Metaphor (PKU Press, 2004) and numerous translations.
Dr. Li-An Zhou is currently an Associate Professor of Economics, Vice Chair of the Applied Economics Department, and Associate Director of the James Mirrless Institute of Economic Policy Research (IEPR). He obtained his bachelor and master degrees both from the School of Economics, Peking University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 2002. Prof. Zhou’s research interests include political economy, industrial organization, economic transition, and development. His research papers have appeared in the leading international economics journals, such as Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Development Economics, and top Chinese economics and management journals.

Hi, I’m Zhu Xiaoya. I’m an associate professor at
the Peking University International College for Chinese Language
Studies. I was awarded a linguistics from Fudan University
in 1999, a M.A. in linguistics from East China Normal University
in 1994, and a B.A. in Chinese language and literature from Xuzhou
Normal University in 1991. My field of specialization is the
grammar of Modern Chinese.
I taught Chinese language at Stanford 2007-2008 and what impressed
me most were the students who were very diligent and cooperative.
I’m sure I will spend happy time with you.