Meet the Madrid Faculty
Classes offered through the Madrid Program are taught by local faculty, the Center Director, and by one Stanford Faculty-in-Residence per quarter. Many professors hold regular appointments at Spanish universities. Courses are taught in Spanish unless otherwise noted.
Upcoming Faculty-in-Residence
Autumn 2012-13 | TBA | |
Winter 2012-13 | Jonathan Rodden | Political Science |
Spring 2012-13 | TBA | |
Autumn 2013-14 | Geoffrey Cohen | School of Education and Psychology |
Winter 2013-14 | Ian Johnstone | Statistics and Health Research & Policy |
Spring 2013-14 | Pamela M. Lee | Art and Art History |
Local Faculty
Francisco Javier Bobillo de la Peña
Francisco received his doctorate from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in the Department of Economic Sciences. In addition to his prolific research, he has also served as Vice-President of the Universidad Internacional de Menéndez Pelayo and General Director “del libro” for the Secretary of Culture. Currently, he is a professor in the department of Political Science and Administration at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has teaching experience in both Spanish and American universities, including a post-doctoral Fulbright Scholarship at Columbia University.
Eva is an associate professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid where she is also a Ramón y Cajal Research Scholar. Her academic interests include Early Modern European History, Intellectual History, Early Modern Empires, Atlantic History, the History of Spain, and the History of Historiography. Since receiving her Ph.D. from the Autónoma she has published extensively, in addition to presenting at various conferences. Eva currently works with both American and Spanish universities.
Miguel holds both a PhD in Geography from Boston University and a PhD in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has taught in both the U.S. and Spain. Additionally, he has worked in the business sector as a consultant for various organizations, including the Economic and Social Council of Spain. Miguel continues to publish actively and also participates in conferences throughout Europe.
Maite received her PhD in Linguistics from Georgetown University. She has served as a language instructor at various U.S. universities, including Georgetown University. She has also collaborated on several language instruction books and has served as an educational advisor to the Spanish Embassy in Washington, D.C. Originally from Spain, she has recently relocated to Madrid after living for several years in the U.S.
María de la Curz de Carlos Varona
Currently an active researcher for the Ministry of Science and Innovation as well as a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Mari Cruz received her doctorate in art history from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has been a guest lecturer at numerous conferences in both Europe and the U.S. and has conducted investigation with the American Academy in Rome and the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Currently an associate professor in the Philosophy and Law Department at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Pablo received his doctorate in law from the same university. His research includes the ethics of animal rights, health care, and the ethics of environmental issues. Pablo’s research and involvement in academics has taken him around Spain and around the world. In addition to publishing internationally, he has also served as the English to Spanish translator for a multitude of publications in his field.
Julia received her PhD from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Art History. Her research focus includes contemporary art, the female image in art, and the concept of Spain as represented in art. She collaborates with multiple U.S. university abroad programs and has also presents workshops in Madrid, including several at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático.
With a Master in English as a Second Language from University of Minnesota and a Masters in Spanish Civilization, Culture, Language, and Literature from Yale University, Sheila has spent over 30 years collaborating with North American programs in Spain. She has served as Resident Director for both Academic Year Abroad and Kalamazoo College in Spain and also as the President of APUNE (Asociación de Programas Universitarios Norteamericanos en España). Currently, Sheila is an active professor at several programs in Madrid and is also a collaborating editor for Richmond Publishing.
Miguel holds his degree in Philosophy and Arts from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and his Doctorate in History with a specialization in Medieval History from Deusto University. His published works include more than 60 books, magazine articles and seminars about the social and cultural history of the Middle Ages. Currently, he is professor of Medieval Art and Culture and Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs for IE University in Segovia.
Antonio received his doctorate in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and his D.E.A. in Communication and Information Sciences from l’Ecole des Hutes Etudes in Paris. He is currently a full professor of Sociology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in addition to collaborating with several North American programs. Antonio’s investigation primarily centers around the comprehension and interpretation of cultural products and actions. He is actively involved in translation, especially when translation leads to intercultural communication. At present, his research is focused on the role tradition plays in contemporary Spanish culture and how misunderstandings arise in a multicultural society.
Laura Murcia began her training as a professional flamenco dancerduring her early childhood, studying at various schools of “Danza española” in Cartagena, Murcia. Later, in Madrid, she continued her studies at the renowned flamenco school “Amor de Dios” with professors such as Cristobal Reyes, Antonio Canales, and Merche Esmeralda. She has danced on diverse stages ranging from traditional tablaos to international theater stages either as a solo dancer or as a member of dance companies such as Compañía de Rafael Aguilar, Ballet de Carmen Romero, or Teatro Español de Madrid. Laura holds a degree in Performing Arts and an M.A. in Scenic Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos University. She has over ten years of teaching experience in various cultural centers, dance schools and study abroad programs.
Francisco’s career has been in both academia and in the business sector. In addition to serving as a consultant for the Overseas Development Institute (UK), Francisco has also served as a consultant for the Panamanian Ministry of Foreign Relations and for the Economic and Social Council of the Spanish Ministry of Labor. He received his PhD in Political Science from Columbia University and has since taught at both American and Spanish universities. His research focuses on environmental issues and he has published extensively regarding the politics of forest fires in Spain.
Susan received her MFA in Painting from University of Iowa. In addition to being an active and exhibiting professional artist, with exhibits in the U.S., Spain, and Italy, she is also an experienced university professor. She has designed interactive courses for students in various North American university programs in Spain. In addition to teaching, she is currently preparing a one-person exhibition at the Butler Institute of American Art.
Santiago received his Masters in History from the University of Barcelona and his PhD from the University of Massachusetts in Spanish Literature. Director of the Stanford Program in Madrid, he is a distinguished scholar and administrator. After teaching at the University of Massachusetts and Amherst College, he moved to Hamilton College where he taught for 23 years and acted as Chair of the Department of Hispanic Studies and Chair of the Latin American Program. He has also served as General Director and Director-in-Residence for the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain, and is founder and director of the Summer Institute of Hispanic Studies at the University of León. He is also the former President of the Association of Spanish Professionals in the US (ALDEEU).