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Program Locations

Non-Stanford Study Abroad Opportunities

Step 2: Discuss your Plans

Discuss your initial ideas and plans for the summer, semester or entire year abroad with your parents/guardians, academic advisors, Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) advisors, faculty, appropriate departments/programs, and other students who have studied abroad.

Step 3: Conduct Internet Research and Review Printed Materials

Conduct internet research and collect information and application forms from program providers or host institutions. You will be amazed how much useful information can be located by doing a simple search based on your area of interest. Give it a try, and if you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask a Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) staff for assistance with your search.

Visit the BOSP resource library. Located on the ground floor of Sweet Hall (590 Escondido Mall), the BOSP Resource Library houses information on a variety of study abroad options as well as brochures and program descriptions from both the U.S.- and foreign-based organizations and institutions. The library is open from 9a.m. to 4p.m. from Monday to Friday, except on University holidays and during the winter closure.

You can also obtain information on specific countries directly from cultural offices and/or the government information services of countries that interest you (many countries have consulates in San Francisco). These offices can be especially helpful if you have decided that enrolling directly in a foreign university is your first priority, as they would be able to provide information on their country’s education system.


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