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Program Locations


Meet the Santiago Faculty

Classes offered through the Santiago Program are taught by local faculty, the Center Director, and by one Stanford Faculty-in-Residence per quarter. Many professors hold regular appointments at Chilean universities or have served in prominent positions in local governments, policy organizations, or research institutes. Courses are taught in Spanish unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming Faculty-in-Residence

Autumn 2012-13 Rodolfo Dirzo Biology
Winter 2012-13 Jean-Marie Apostolides French and Italian
Spring 2012-13 Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Comparative Literature and French & Italian
Autumn 2013-14 TBA  
Winter 2013-14 NOT IN SESSION  
Spring 2013-14 Joe Nation Public Policy
Summer 2013-14 Zephyr Frank History

Local Faculty

César Albornoz
César Albornoz finished his doctoral thesis on Chilean popular music at the Institute of History, Catholic University of Chile. He has conducted numerous research projects on twentieth-century popular music, and taught at various professional institutes in Santiago. His latest publication (2005) is on popular culture during the Allende period.
Cristóbal Aninat
Cristóbal Aninat studied economics and finance at the Universidad Católica de Chile, and holds a graduate degree in political economy from New York University. He is Research Asociate at the Institute for Public Policy, Universidad Diego Portales. The author of numerous publications, he has been a consultant for various government agencies, and a member of the commission that drafted the anticorruption policies of the Bachelet administration in 2006.
Germán Correa
Germán Correa received his Ph.D. in Sociology form the University of California at Berkeley. A prolific writer, Correa is an international consultant for the United Nations Development Program, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America. He served as Minister of Transportation under President Patricio Aylwin, and as Minister of National Affairs under President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle.
Eugenia Gayo
Eugenia Gayo is a biologist who holds a graduate degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from the Universidad Católica de Chile. She has taught at the Universidad de Chile, and has been a Research Assistant at the Universidad de Concepción. She is currently a consultant at the Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity at the Universidad Católica de Chile.
Iván Jaksic
Iván Jaksic is Director of the Stanford Program in Santiago. He taught for many years at the Universities of California, Wisconsin, and Notre Dame, and has held research appointments at Harvard and Oxford. A Guggenheim and NEH fellow, he is the author of Academic Rebels in Chile (1989), Andrés Bello: Scholarship and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Latin America (2001), The Hispanic World and American Intellectual Life (2007), as well as numerous edited volumes and essays in professional journals.
Alberto Van Klaveren
Alberto Van Klaveren holds a doctoral degree in Political Science from the University of Leiden. He is currently a full professor at the School of Law, University of Chile, and holds the rank of Ambassador. One of the country’s leading negotiators at the Hague, he has previously served as ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg, and as Policy Advisor for the United Nations Development Program.
Sergio Micco
Sergio Micco holds a law degree from the University of Concepción and specializes on Chilean politics. He has written extensively on the role of institutions in the development of civil society. He is also active in government and politics, serving as a high-ranking official in the Christian Democratic Party.
Sergio Missana

A creative writer, journalist, and scholar, Sergio Missana received his Ph.D. in Spanish and Latin American literature from Stanford. He has contributed numerous articles on popular culture for Chilean, Mexican and US papers and magazines, and is the author of La máquina de pensar de Borges (2003). His latest fiction book is El día de los muertos (2007).

Álvaro Palma

Álvaro Palma holds a Biological Sciences degree from the Catholic University of Chile, and a doctorate in science from the University of Maine. An oceanographer with a diving and rescue license from the Chilean Navy, he has logged over 1500 hours of deep-sea diving in the Pacific Ocean and Antartica. His publications have appeared in Ecology, the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, and Polar Biology.

Iván Poduje

Iván Poduje holds an M.A. in Urban Planning and an Architecture degree from the Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently a Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Católica, and a Research Associate at the Centro de Estudios Públicos, a leading think-tank in Chile. He has developed master plans for several urban development projects in Santiago and around the country.

Bernardo Subercaseaux
Bernardo Subercaseaux hold a doctoral degree from Harvard University and is currently a full professor of literature at the University of Chile. He is the author of the three-volume Historia de las ideas y de la cultura en Chile, and Historia del libro en Chile, among numerous other publications in Chile and abroad.
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