Health Abroad
Health Insurance Coverage
As a participant in the Bing Overseas Studies Program, you are required to have medical insurance that includes:
• International coverage for medical treatment for the entire duration of your program and for all countries in which you intend to travel
• Medical evacuation
• Repatriation of remains
Coverage for medical evacuation and repatriation of remains pays for transport to your home country in case of severe illness, injury, or death. The latter two clauses may not be part of your regular policy, and may have to be purchased as a supplement. Students can fulfill the health insurance requirement by purchasing one of the two choices of coverage listed below:
Cardinal Care Coverage:
Students who are covered under Cardinal Care will sufficiently satisfy the three categories of coverage listed above.
Coverage begins on September 1st. Every student will be enrolled automatically in this plan for the full year unless waived via Axess.
For more information go to
Insurance Office Location: Vaden Health Center, 866 Campus Drive
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Private Health Insurance:
Students who are covered under a private health insurance plan must make sure that they satisfy the three categories of coverage listed above.
In most cases, private health insurance only satisfies the first category, “International Coverage for Medical Treatment.” In order to satisfy the other two categories, “medical evacuation” and “repatriation of remains,” a BOSP participant can purchase an International Student Identity Card (benefits outlined below) or supplemental insurance of your choice that covers the last two categories.
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) can be purchased online or at the Overseas Resource Center in Bechtel (cost: approximately $24). The ISIC card provides some very basic travel insurance in addition to student discounts on plane tickets, museums, and other amenities. The following benefits and services are included with your ISIC card.
Please see: for more information about these following benefits and services.
a. $300,000 Emergency Evacuation
b. $25,000 Repatriation of Remains
c. $25,000 Accident Medical Expense
d. $5,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment – Air
e. $1,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment – All Other
f. $500 Lost Document Replacement (includes your ISIC card)
g. $165 Per day Sickness & Hospital Benefit (up to 61 days)
h. $100 Baggage Delay
i. $100 Travel Delay (domestic ONLY)
j. Included – Travel Guard Assistance
During the Program
It is important to know that all medical expenses abroad are paid out of pocket by the student. Please consider how you would access funds to pay for such expenses.
If at any time you need to seek medical care during the program you should contact the program staff. The staff in the program center will provide you with information about local medical facilities during onsite orientation.
If you are in need of medical assistance, let your program staff know as soon as possible. The conditions of overseas medical facilities and how health care is afforded often have marked differences from U.S. practice. The concept of when expert attention and medical intervention is warranted may be different than in the United States. If you need a doctor’s attention while you are traveling away from the campus overseas, you may ask for a “western style” hospital in order to receive western-style care.
Non-emergency visit: If you need to be seen for a non-emergency visit, you should contact the program staff first who can refer you to a local medical facility. If you are on Cardinal Care you must coordinate care with On Call International, the travel insurance provider. If you are privately covered, go to your appointment, save all receipts and contact your insurance provider about reimbursement. In most cases, the cost for a non-emergency visit will be less than your deductible and therefore not reimbursable.
Medical emergency: Students on Cardinal Care must contact On Call International to coordinate care. Claims for services not arranged by On Call International will NOT be accepted or reimbursed. Students with private insurance should coordinate emergency care with International SOS.
It is the student’s responsibility to know the terms of their insurance policy and understand the claim procedure and reimbursement process.
Health Planning and Risks
Health Issues
Students on international programs should be aware that attitudes toward medical
conditions, disabilities, and psychological conditions vary by culture and under the laws of the host countries. These differences impact the level of treatment and accommodation available abroad. Students should give serious consideration to their health and personal circumstances when accepting a place in a program. Because Stanford wants you to enjoy a successful and rewarding study abroad experience, we encourage you to disclose your medical conditions and or accommodation requests at the time of acceptance and no later than four weeks
prior to the beginning of the program abroad. The information you provide is considered confidential and will be shared only with those individuals who will need to know. If you choose not to request an accommodation, Stanford will not be able to provide you with
arrangements after the start of the program.
Stanford will work to assure reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, visual or hearing conditions). If you presently require such arrangements, please let us know so that we can work towards making suitable arrangements while you are abroad. Students with medical conditions should consult with their families and personal physicians for ways to manage their conditions while overseas.
Physical and Psychological Considerations
Studying abroad can be stressful. Mild physical or psychological disorders that may be under control at home can become serious under the additional stresses of adjusting to a new culture. If you have a physical or psychological concern that requires constant treatment or surveillance by a doctor, you should consult with your physician about the prospect of studying abroad and the consequences of cultural adjustment and different medical practices. If you have had psychological difficulties currently or in the past, talk with someone at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at Vaden Health Center before deciding to study abroad. Consultation with CAPS is confidential, unless you specifically ask that Overseas Studies be alerted. You can reach CAPS 24-hours a day at (650) 723-3785. Finally, please notify the on-site program director or staff of any illness/medical condition so that they are informed and can help you in case of an emergency.
Fill all your prescriptions before you leave and make sure you bring a sufficient supply to last during your time overseas, along with a doctor’s note or the original prescription to avoid problems with customs. Discuss this in advance with your doctor and insurance provider before you go. You cannot have prescription medications mailed to you overseas. Be sure to take a copy of the full prescription drug name with you in your hand luggage in case your medication is lost, stolen, or expires.
See the website of the embassy for your program location for common perscriptions that are banned from your program location.
Make an appointment early in your Orientation Quarter with the on-campus Vaden Health Center Travel Clinic at (650) 498-2336 ext. 1 or your personal doctor to discuss any health concerns you may have before going abroad. Plan to do this early, because you may choose to have immunizations that need to be administered several weeks before you leave in order to be effective. Depending on the vaccinations administered, costs for Cardinal Care students range from $0-$260. If you are not covered under Cardinal Care and wish to have a vaccination done at the Vaden Health Center, add on approximately $30 for each scheduled vaccination cost. You should ask for “International Certificates of Vaccination” (yellow pamphlet). They may also be ordered by calling the Super. CDC at 202.512.1800. Keep this with your passport while overseas to show what vaccinations you have had and leave with your family at home.
If you are traveling from your BOSP destination to another international location be aware of local health conditions abroad. You should be especially aware of any public health service recommendations or advisories. For current health conditions and recommended vaccinations contact the country desk at the State Department (202.647.4000), or the Centers for Disease Control at Some countries may require an AIDS test before letting you enter. Please check into this before you arrive at the airport because they will turn you away.
It is your responsibility to obtain the proper vaccinations.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Lack of adequate protection in situations where you could contract a sexually transmitted disease can lead to serious complications. If you think that you may have contracted an STD, see a doctor recommended by your program. Do not put this visit off because you are unsure or because you are embarrassed; the doctor has treated such problems before.
If you intend to be sexually active overseas, please bring your own supply of contraceptives. Condoms, diaphragms, and other contraceptive devices may be difficult to obtain overseas. The program staff and/or local doctor can assist you in finding appropriate information. Any discussion with the staff will be confidential.
Medic Alert
If you have specific allergies which are debilitating or life-threatening, or have a medical condition that is not immediately apparent or easily identifiable (such as diabetes, allergies to drugs, epilepsy, etc.), wear a Medic Alert bracelet obtained from the Medic Alert Foundation, 2323 Colorado Ave., Turlock, CA 95382-2018; (800) 432-5378 or Notify the director of your program, the office administrator, and friends traveling with you.