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Program Locations

What I Did in Kyoto …

Current Student Advisors

Halle Edwards — Spring 2011-12, Summer Internship 2012
MAJOR: International Relations, English MINOR: East Asian Studies

INTERNSHIP: Think Tank - International Institute of Monetary Affairs

The classes in Kyoto were excellent. I was able to take a political economy course that introduced me to not only the Japanese economy, but to modern economic history in general, which is invaluable to me as an International Relations major. A class on Japanese aesthetics took us on field trips to experience all kinds of Japanese theatre (like Noh, Kabuki, and Bunraku) and traditional arts, everything from flower arrangement to calligraphy to tea ceremony.Read full profile »

Christian Vega — Summer Internship 2012
MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering  

INTERNSHIP: SIM-Drive (Electric Car Company)

At the end of the winter quarter my junior year, I was in desperate need of a break from my everyday routine. I had just completed a difficult course load and, while I was sad to say bye to my family and friends, I was looking forward to a new experience.

Growing up watching Anime and learning about Japan, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to study abroad and work there. I had applied for the program during my sophomore year and, unfortunately, did not get in. However, I remained persistent and I’ve never regretted the decision.

Read Christian's profile »

Past Student Advisors

Adrian Bonifacio — Summer Internship 2011
MAJOR: International Relations  

INTERNSHIP: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center

Being in Japan both solidified my passion for social justice, and enhanced my appreciation for the beauty that does lie in Japan. If you are thinking of, or are already going to Japan, I advise you to ask yourself that question.


“Are you coming in?”

You may be surprised by your answer by the end of the program.Read Adrian's profile »

photo of Austen Wianecki Austen Wianecki — Spring and Summer, 2009-10
MAJOR: Archeology  


INTERNSHIP: Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture

Upon receiving my acceptance email from the BOSP office for the 2010 Spring Quarter abroad in Japan, I felt two conflicting emotions, unbelievable happiness and unsettling anxiety. I had (and still have) a passion for the traditional arts of Japan, so the chance to live, study, and work in the cultural capitol of Japan was almost too good to be true. However, despite my growing excitement I still had doubts about my ability to adapt to such a drastically different culture. From the moment I arrived in Japan though, all of my fears were relieved. The city was beautiful, the people were nice, and I found myself eassily acclimating to Japanese society. I could never have anticipated all of the wonderful people I would meet or the amazing experiences I would have. Read Austen's profile »
photo of Saroya Whatley Saroya Whatley —
MAJOR: Economics  


INTERNSHIP: JACSES (Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society)

Prior to going to Japan through Stanford’s BOSP program, I had been to Japan only once for a school trip for a week during my senior of high school. During that one week, I fell in love completely with Kyoto and the various other cities we visited, and was so determined to visit Japan in the near future. Thus, when I was applying to colleges, I always researched study abroad opportunities, and discovered that Stanford had the Kyoto SCTI program. Upon entering as a freshman, I knew that I wanted to apply to the Kyoto program and study in Japan either in my sophomore or junior years. Read Saroya's profile »


photo of Danya Volkov Danya Volkov — Spring and Summer 2008-09
MAJOR: Product Design  

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Environmental/Economical Design, Asian cultures, Art in society

INTERNSHIP: Innovation Center at Nifco Inc.

Interested in Japanese culture and society? Forget Gwen Stefani’s “Harajuku Girls” or the dated “Mysteries of the Orient”— if you are looking to immerse yourself in a world saturated with tradition, learning, and natural beauty, come to Kyoto. Even after hearing about the reserved and yet buzzing atmosphere of the “Walking City,” filled with hundreds of temples and shrines, I was continually amazed by the history and liveliness that Kyoto holds. Read full profile »

photo of Myles Lam Myles Lam — Spring and Summer 2007-08
MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering  

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Vehicle design, Asian American issues, computers and technology.

INTERNSHIP: Create Center at Osaka Sangyo University

Spending five months abroad proved to be a new experience that showed me fresh perspectives of the Japanese family and student life. And it certainly changed my view of Japan. Read full profile »
Jennifer Lee — Spring and Summer 2007-08
MAJOR(S): Biomechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering  

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Medical device engineering, pharmacology, mechanics

INTERNSHIP: Pharmacology at Kyoto University

Even though it could only happen in the spring quarter of my senior year, I was determined to study abroad in Japan. Sure, I would miss senior formal and graduation, but I thought to myself: while those events might not necessarily change my life, going to Japan would. Read full profile »
photo of Ben Whaley Ben Whaley — Spring and Summer 2006
MAJOR: Japanese Language ADVISOR: Professor Yoshiko Matsumoto
ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Japanese studies, music composition, drama, journalism, creative writing INTERNSHIP: Columbia Music Entertainment Inc.
If you are thinking about studying abroad, you have no doubt already thought about how the experience will improve your language abilities, provide you with a new set of friends, and expose you to a culture and way of life completely different from what you know. In addition to all this, studying abroad may actually give you once-in-a-lifetime experiences that change your life… Read full profile »
photo of Raylene Yung Raylene Yung — Spring and Summer 2006
MAJOR: Computer Science ADVISOR: Daphne Koller
INTERNSHIP: IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
After the quarter ended, I moved to Tokyo and worked at IBM’s Tokyo Research Laboratory. For many reasons, my Kyoto life and my Tokyo life were like opposite sides of the same coin. I was still in Japan, with the same chain restaurants and ever-present vending machines, but was now living alone in a major metropolitan area, riding trains packed with businessmen and women, and working full-time… Read full profile »