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Program Locations

Preparing to Go

Before Leaving Stanford - University Bill & Financial Aid

What to know about your University Bill:

  • Visit the "Gateway to Financial Activities" website for information about University Billing and Payment Methods. If you maintain your US bank account while overseas, we recommend that you  continue to use Stanford ePay to pay your University bill. Fees must arrive by the deadline- a postmark is not acceptable.
What does the University Bill include? What does the University bill NOT include?
Tuition ASSU fees
Overseas Fee Housing and meal fees
Any addition charges from previous quarters  

A Note on Financial Aid:

Most, but not all, sources of financial aid appear on the bill as credits or anticipated aid. Anticipated aid from student loans require that the student sign necessary promissory notes, etc. before actual distribution of funds as reflected on "To Dos" in Axess.

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Stanford ePay:

Stanford ePay, an online billing and payment service, is Stanford's standard payment method because it is the fastest, most convenient, and most secure way to pay your University bill. Visit the "Gateway to Financial Activities" website for more information about Stanford ePay.

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The Fine Print:

  1. Do not use your personal spending money to pay bills, which will later be paid by loan, scholarship, or grant funds. If you do not have the amount of cash you need for at least the first six weeks, contact your local overseas office regarding short-term loans.

  2. The fastest and most secure way to recieve refunds for stipends, excess aid, or overpayments is via Direct Deposit. To enroll in Direct Deposit, choose Direct Deposit from the drop down menu in the Finances section of the Student Center tab in Axess and follow the prompts. Some aid cannot pay certain types of charges. Receipt of a refund does not mean that there is no outstanding balance on your student account. View your account in Stanford ePay at least monthly to verify that your charges and payments are correct and current.

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Before You Leave Campus:

What BOSP does:

BOSP contacts the Financial Aid Office (FAO) with a list of students who will be enrolled in an overseas program so that the FAO may reassess the financial aid package of students on financial aid. Students attending a BOSP program maintain their financial aid eligibility, and may see an increase in their support for extra expenses. Be aware that if you are not attending a BOSP program you will most likely not be aligible for Stanford assistance.

If you choose to attend a non-Stanford program, you are not eligible to receive any Stanford University-administered aid during that time. For those attending non-Stanford programs, you can link to the Financial Aid Office website for more information. If you are on financial aid, please note that enrollment in BOSP programs and at non-Stanford institutions counts toward an undergraduate student's maximum number of quarters for purposes of receiving financial aid funds.

What the FAO does:

The FAO will reassess your eligibility for aid.

  • The FAO will add an allowance recognizing additional travel and personal expenses associated with enrollment overseas. They normally offer loan and/or overseas grants to recognize these additional expenses and the fact that you will not have an opportunity to work to help meet your financial need.
  • Eligibility for grant funds is based on demonstrated need and the availability of funds. If you have applied for financia aid, you will automatically be considered for grant eligibility; there is not a separate application form.
  • If your revised financial aid award included additional loans or increases in your current loan, the FAO will comminucate instructions to you regarding any processing required for securing these funds

What you should do:

If you would likethe FAO to be able to discuss your student account with your parent(s), please make sure you have added them in your Privacy Settings for Billing Information. (In the Student Center tabe in Axess, click "Privacy Settings" in the Personal Information section, then click "Billing Information.")

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Once You’re Overseas:

What the FAO does:

The FAO and Student Services Center will forward any necessary documents to you through the BOSP office. Most Processing can be done online

What you do:

  • Complete and return documents through your program’s weekly mailing to the BOSP Office.
  • You may communicate directly with the FAO via email at [email protected].
  • If you have any questions regarding your University Bill, please contact the Student Services Center
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Advance on your Financial Aid

(sometimes referred to as “travel grant”)

  • For students with significant need, the FAO will determine if you are eligible for any advance of funds to pay for your plane ticket before the coming quarter’s aid is disbursed (Aid generally disbursed no earlier then one week before the first day of classes).
  • You need to produce a price quote for your plane ticket and email this quote to [email protected], along with your request for an advance.
  • The FAO will communicate with you whether you are eligible for the advance and how funds will be disbursed.
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Financial Aid and Your University Bill

  • Stanford scholarships, federal and state grants and loans, overseas grants, and some outside scholarships are directly applied to your student account.
  • Some outside scholarships cannot be credited to your student account; the Student Services Center will send these checks to you through Overseas Studies and your program’s office.
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Repayment of Loans

  • If you will be extending your stay abroad but not your enrollment at Stanford, such as in the case of an internship, you may need to make plans to begin repayment of your loan(s).
  • The terms of your student loan are stated in your student loan promissory note. If you do not have a copy of your promissory note, please contact your student loan lender. Most federal loans have a 6 month grace period after you are no longer enrolled at least half time before repayment begins.
  • Your failure to make timely payments toward your loan could result in a hold on your registration and more serious consequences.


Contact the Financial Aid Office directly if you have questions about student loan repayment.

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