Non-Stanford Study Abroad Opportunities
Step 6: Meet with the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) External Programs Coordinator for Study Abroad Approval and Transfer Credit Pre-Approval
Most study abroad programs require a home institution's approval to study abroad. You must meet with the BOSP External Programs Coordinator to obtain his/her approval and signature on your form. To make an appointment, you must first complete the BOSP Non-Stanford Study Abroad Registration and email your available time slots to [email protected]. Upon receipt of this email, the BOSP External Programs Coordinator will contact you to schedule an appointment. NO DROPS-INS ARE ACCEPTED. Be prepared to discuss your study abroad plan, program choices, course selection, and application documents. It will take at least 2-3 business days for a home institution approval form to be processed from the time of this meeting.
If you wish to have courses pre-approved for transfer credit, you must also complete the BOSP Non-Stanford Study Abroad Registration AND submit complete transfer credit evaluation request documents to the Student Services Center. Alternatively, you can mail or fax the documents to the Bing Overseas Studies Program, Stanford University, Sweet Hall, Ground Floor, 590 Escondido Mall, Stanford CA 94305-3089. Atten: External Credit Evaluation. For more information about the credit transfer process, please consult the Transfer Credit Process section.
Be sure to submit all required forms well in advance of your program deadline.
Step 7: Submit your Study Abroad Program Application(s)
Submit your completed applications before the designated deadlines. Be aware of the deadline dates for each; it usually takes quite some time to gather all of the materials you need to apply. If your program requires letters of recommendation, in most cases it does, you will want to be sure to contact references several months in advance of the deadline, giving them ample time to complete their letters of support.