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Program Locations


Meet the Kyoto Faculty






Classes at the Kyoto Program are taught by faculty from local universities, the Program Director, and by one Stanford Faculty-in-Residence per quarter. Local faculty teach all Stanford courses in English.

Upcoming Faculty-in-Residence

Winter 2012-13 TBA  
Spring 2012-13 Terry Moe Political Science
Winter 2013-14 TBA  
Spring 2013-14 Miyako Inoue Anthropology

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Local Faculty

Peter Duus
Peter Duus, William H. Bonsall Professor of History and Fellow by courtesy at Stanford's Hoover Institution, received his doctorate from Harvard in modern Japanese history and taught at Harvard, Washington University, and the Claremont Graduate School before coming to Stanford to teach Japanese and East Asian history in 1973.
Professor Duus' accomplishments and accolades include:
  • Past president of the Association for Asian Studies
  • Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Research fellowships from the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Japan Foundation, and the Fulbright Commission
  • Taught at the International Division of Waseda University in Tokyo and twice served as the resident professor at the Stanford Japan Center in KYoto
  • Author of two widely used textbooks on Japanese history, Feudalism in Japan and The Rise of Modern Japan.
Toshihiko Hayashi
Professor Hayashi is Professor of Economics at the University of the Air in Japan and Former Chairman of the Board of the Stanford Japan Center. After completing his B.A. and M.A. degrees in economics at Kyoto University and Osaka University, respectively, he completed his PhD in economics at Stanford University. He has taught at Kobe University of Commerce, University of California at Davis, and Osaka University. He was the first Dean of the School of International Public Policy at Osaka University. From 2001-2006, he served as Director of Stanford Japan Center-Research and Chair of the SJC-Board. He has taught economics at the Stanford in Kyoto Program since 2004.
Professor Hayashi is a specialist in telecommunication policy and the governance of advanced information societies. He has served on major advisory commissions of the Japanese government in these fields.
Among his many publications are:
  • Information-Based Economic Systems;
  • American in the Great Depression;
  • The Governance of the Advanced Information Society (co-editor);
  • Japan’s Financial Institutions in Turmoil (co-editor);
  • Introduction to Heart and Mind Economics
Professor Hayashi is a resident of Kobe and has been deeply involved in the evolution of the agenda for the city’s reconstruction after the 1995 earthquake
Catherine Ludvik
Catherine Ludvik obtained a Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in the Centre for the Study of Religion and teaches Japanese religion at Kyoto Sangyo University, the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS) and the Associated Kyoto Program (AKP) at Doshisha University.
Spanning Indian and Japanese religions, her research interests focus on the metamorphoses of originally Indian deities in Japan. She is the author of Recontextualizing the Praises of a Goddess (2006) and Sarasvat?, Riverine Goddess of Knowledge (2007), and is currently working on a volume on the goddess Uga-Benzaiten. She taught Japanese religion at the Stanford Program in Kyoto between 2001–2006.
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Japanese Language Instructors

Naoko Asami
Naoko Asami started to teach Japanese language in 1986. When she was in California, she taught at U. C. Santa Cruz for two years. She has been working at The Kyoto Center for Japanese Linguistic Studies, Kyoto Japanese Language School since 2005. She is an ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Oral Proficiency Tester of Japanese with full certification. She is also a visiting teacher teaching JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) to elementary and junior high school students from all over the world. She received her B.A. in English literature from Doshisha University.
Yuko Kawahara
Yuko Kawahara joined the Japanese language program in 2008. She received her B.A. in English at Kansai Gaidai University and M.A. in Japanese at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has taught at Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College, and Kansai Gaidai University. At the Stanford Program in Kyoto in 2009, she teaches Japanese 19K.
Kiyoko Tanaka
Kiyoko Tanaka taught at both the Stanford Program in Kyoto and KCJS from 1989 to 1991. Before coming to the Stanford Program in Kyoto, she taught Japanese language at The Kyoto Center for Japanese Linguistic Studies, Kyoto Japanese Language School (which is one of the oldest Japanese language schools in Japan). She came back to the Japanese language program in 2008. She received her B.A. in English literature from Doshisha Women’s College.
Haruka Ueda
Haruka Ueda joined the Japanese language program at Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies and Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation in 1990-1991. She received her B.A. in English Literature from Nanzan University, Nagoya and her M.A. in Philosophy and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She taught Japanese at Columbia University and Princeton University before coming back to Japan to work for KCJS and the Stanford Program in Kyoto.
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