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Watch the "Live and Learn at Stanford in Berlin" Video.

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The Krupp Internship Program was for me a lot more than another experience. I met people with whom I will forever be in close contact, understood German work culture, Academia outside of the university, and the ever-changing responsibilities of cultural heritage foundations and institutions. Daniel Scott Smith's Profile »




Berlin is the hidden gem of European cities. She is not pretentious, glamorous, or self-important. Rather, in classic German fashion, she is
honest and wonderfully self-confident in her strengths as well as scars. She is known for her history, and yet stubbornly insists
on reinventing herself continuously. She is old and new at the same time, a well-kept secret of modern day Europe.

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Krupp Internship Program

As a participant in the Stanford Program in Berlin, you are eligible for placement in the Krupp Internship Program. This internship is made possible by a grant from the German Krupp Foundation (Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung), and provides the opportunity for practical experience in a given profession

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