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Stanford geneticist to discuss future of personalized medicine in live Science chat


As you may have read here or in the news, Stanford geneticist Michael Snyder, PhD, gained valuable insights into his health, and uncovered the precise moments when Type 2 diabetes took hold in his body, after colleagues sequenced his DNA and tracked tens of thousands of markers in his blood.

Today at 12 p.m. PDT, Snyder will share his experiences exploring his personal health during a live chat about future of personalized medicine hosted by Science. You can leave your questions for Snyder in the comment box before the chat begins and then tune back in to hear the discussion.

Previously: ‘Omics’ profiling coming soon to a doctor’s office near you?, What personal DNA testing can reveal about your potential health and future well-being, Could patients’ knowledge of their DNA lead to better outcomes? and A conversation about the benefits and limitations of direct-to-consumer genetic tests


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