Are genes patentable? A summary of the Supreme Court case
on April 16th, 2013 No Comments

As you likely heard, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday in a case that’s of interest to many biomedical researchers. That case, widely known as the “gene patenting case,” has a single question presented: “Are human genes patentable?” It may irk some researchers and clinicians that the answer isn’t a straightforward “no.” But the issues are surprisingly complex: How does one define a “gene,” and a “human” vs. a “synthetic” one at that? What about primers, probes, and cDNA? And what does one mean by “patentable”?
First, a brief lay of the legal landscape. Typically, an inventor cannot patent a “product of nature.” But ever since a 1911 appellate decision (.pdf), a natural product can be patented if it’s “isolated and purified” from its surrounding environment. Thus, the chemical compound adrenaline was itself patented because it was isolated and purified from adrenal glands. Shockingly, the Supreme Court has never directly reviewed this isolated and purified doctrine, even after 102 years.
This all raises the question of whether human genes should be allowed to be patented as a matter of policy, if not law.
And so, on this basis, isolated human genes have long been patented. In 1994, researchers at the University of Utah finally located and sequenced (.pdf) the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes, variants of which put women at astonishingly high risk for early onset breast and ovarian cancer. Those researchers obtained patents on both the isolated sequences and cDNA variants of those, and assigned them to Myriad Genetics, a diagnostic testing company.
Arguments at the Supreme Court - and the justices themselves - grappled with the distinctions between isolated genomic DNA and cDNA. Lower court opinions had made a significant case out of the fact that because the covalent bonds of isolated genomic DNA were cleaved from the surrounding chromosome, an isolated gene was, in fact, a new chemical entity. Similarly, several justices suggested that because cDNA was not found in nature, it too, was patentable - even if it was simply the product of reverse transcribing an mRNA sequence. (For a further breakdown on the oral arguments themselves, see Stanford’s Center for Law and the Biosciences’ oral argument recap.)
But it seems that at least five justices - and thus, a majority - believe that patents on isolated DNA are not eligible for patent protection. They don’t seem to buy the argument that simple covalent cleavage renders something a new chemical entity. The Court and lawyers deployed various analogies to make this point: gold from ore, a piece of wood from a tree, a liver from a patient, etc. It seems less clear, however, whether a majority will similarly rule cDNA to be patent ineligible.