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Stanford School of Medicine

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Using the “flipped classroom” model to re-imagine medical education


Earlier this year, two Stanford professors published a piece in the New England Journal of Medicine proposing to re-imagine medical education with “lecture-less” classes in an effort to make better use of the fixed amount of educational time available to train doctors.

The proposed approach was inspired by the Khan Academy’s “flipped-classroom” model of teaching. Lecture content is packaged into 10- to 15-minute videos that are watched by students at their own pace and as often as necessary to learn the material. Class time is then used for interactive learning, with a greater emphasis on patients’ clinical stories as a way to increase the relevance of the necessary scientific and medical knowledge.

In this recently posted video, Charles Prober, MD, co-author of the paper and senior associate dean for medical education at the School of Medicine, medical school colleagues and Silicon Valley-based online learning pioneer Salman “Sal” Khan discuss this vision for a new medical curriculum.

Previously: Rethinking the “sage on stage” model in medical education and Stanford professors propose re-imagining medical education with “lecture-less” classes


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