Software that models human movement debuts at tech museum

OpenSim, Stanford-developed software that uses physics and anatomy to create 3D simulations of human movement, is now on display at The Leonardo, a science and technology museum in Salt Lake City. Today’s Stanford Report discusses the exhibit, as well as the importance of the software tool:
Future possibilities for OpenSim are many. It can help determine whether a simple surgery to lengthen a specific muscle might help victims of cerebral palsy. It can predict how simple changes in gait might reduce the incidence or severity of osteoarthritis. In addition to helping millions delay or avoid costly hip and knee replacements, OpenSim could help in the development of new, more sensitive prosthetics, able to read and interpret electrical impulses to control the devices.
For all its technical wizardry, however, the greatest fact about OpenSim may be that it is open source. Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can have the software in a matter of minutes. [Scott Delp, PhD, a professor of bioengineering, mechanical engineering and orthopedic surgery] is giving it away.
Previously: Stanford bioengineers aim to better understand, treat movement disorders