
The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE) works collaboratively with Stanford's schools and departments to enhance the quality of graduate education at Stanford University.

Check this out!


Spring Quarter
VPGE News and Notes


Stanford Graduate Summer Institute

Enrollment for some courses is still open!

Leadership Labs

Experience MBA curriculum in a condensed, experiential format. Sign up by June 6.

Quick Bytes

An opportunity to acquire key professional skills (and a free lunch).

Creating a Research Agenda

Two sessions to help frame and articulate research goals, specific to disciplinary areas.




Graduate studies at Stanford range widely: over 8,500 students are enrolled in more than 90 degree programs, pursuing master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees. Stanford is highly decentralized: the responsibility for graduate education lies primarily within the university's departments and schools. The VPGE's mission is to assure that Stanford remains at the forefront of graduate education, providing the highest quality educational experiences for students.



At the heart of Stanford’s mission is a deep commitment to advance knowledge and understanding within and across disciplines. We do this exceptionally well—in the humanities, sciences, engineering, social sciences, arts, and professions—in no small part by developing graduate students into colleagues who become highly effective leaders in educational institutions, business, government, and nonprofit organizations.


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Photo: Stanford News Service

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