Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

The Cancer Prevention & Control Program (CPCP)


Feeling and Healing: Effects of Stress and Support on Cancer Patients

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The Cancer Prevention and Control Program (CPCP) works to reduce cancer incidence, mortality and morbidity through multidisciplinary research into effective prevention and detection strategies, public health policy and cancer care and management.

Program members are committed to rapidly translating their findings into clinical practice and community-based strategies to address today’s most pressing cancer-related health issues. A particular emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of at-risk populations, who are medically underserved or who may not fully endorse or have access to the dominant Western medical culture.

The CPCP combines the expertise and resources of the Cancer Prevention Institute of California and Stanford University including the Stanford Prevention Research Center, Clinical Cancer Genetics Center and Stanford Center on Stress and Health.

Key research areas include:

Program Directors

Marcia Stefanick, PhD

David Spiegel, MD


Stanford Medicine Resources:

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