Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

Clinical Trials Recruitment

What is a Clinical Trial?

Research studies conducted with patients are called clinical trials. Read on to learn more about these studies and if entering one is right for you.


Clinical trials provide patients at Stanford access to the latest cancer medicine. The SCI conducts active recruitment to ensure the broadest possible access to emerging methods on preventing, detecting, and treating cancer as well as improving cancer patients' quality of life.

Both cancer and non-cancer patients are encouraged to learn about cancer clinical trials, including minority and medically underserved populations. By having more participation and diversity in clinical trials, cancer medicine can advance better and benefit diverse populations. Learn about why clinical trials helps make progress in the field of cancer.


Progressing Health and Medicine with Cancer Clinical Trials

Cooperative Groups

The SCI is an active participant in Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) and other cooperative groups performing multi-center cancer clinical trials in public and private institutions across the country. Through ongoing partnerships with community hospitals, the SCI is committed to providing the broadest access possible to these trials and the therapeutic advances they may offer.

Cancer Clinical Trials Education & Outreach

There are a variety of educational resources and information available to the public and health professionals about cancer clinical trials.

The Stanford Cancer Clinical Trials Office provides recruitment and financial resource information. A staff member can assist you with finding cancer clinical trials at Stanford. Please call 650.498.7061 or visit the Stanford Cancer Clinical Trials Office.

Community Partnerships in Cancer Clinical Trials

The SCI collaborates with partners to build capacity and deliver cancer clinical trials training, education and outreach. Partners include health institutions, providers, organizations, coalitions and networks. The SCI is committed to building partnerships to address health disparities, especially those that impact minorities and medically underserved populations. If you are interested in partnerships benefiting communities in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and California Central Coast, please contact a Community Partnership Staff.

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