Infusion Center
The new, state-of-the-art Infusion Center is one of the centerpieces of the Stanford Cancer Center. The facility was designed specifically with patient needs in mind.
You shouldn't have to make choices between receiving cancer treatment and participating in day-to-day life. That's why the Infusion Center operates on evenings, weekends, and holidays in addition to normal business hours.
Schedule chemotherapy when it is convenient for you -- and continue working, taking classes, caring for your family, or participating in whatever other joys your life holds.
Receiving chemotherapy will never be fun, but at the Infusion Center we strive to make it as convenient and stress-free as possible.
There are different levels of chemotherapy stations, ranging from a "fast track" room for patients receiving simple injections, to comfortable chairs in a communal infusion area, to private rooms with beds for patients who need more peace and care. In addition, each station has it's own flat screen television to make passing the time more enjoyable while you're receiving treatment.
Large windows overlooking beautiful trees and landscaping fill the fast track and chair infusion stations with bright natural light. The Infusion Center also offers ample room for your family and friends to remain with you and provide support while you receive treatment.