Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

SCI Directions & Parking

Patient Facility
Stanford Clinical Cancer Center
875 Blake Wilbur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
(650) 498-6000
Central Administrative Offices
Stanford Cancer Institute
Lorry Lokey Building/SIM 1
265 Campus Drive, Ste G2103
Stanford, CA 94305-5456
650.736.0607 (fax)

On-campus Facilities


For updates on driving directions and traffic during Stanford Hospital & Clinics Construction and Expansion project see

A printable mapand directions is available for the following on-campus facilities:

  1. Stanford Clinical Cancer Center(Advanced Medicine Center)
  2. Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital
  3. Stanford General Clinical Research Center (H Wing of Hospital)
  4. Stanford University Hospital
  5. Beckman Center
  6. Center for Clinical Science Research
  7. Clark Center
  8. Lucas Center
    Medical School Lab Surge Building (Lucas Building)
  9. Sherman Fairchild Research Building
  10. Department of Health Research and Policy
  11. Stanford Blood Center

Searchable Stanford Campus Map

Off-campus Facilities

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