Prevention Research Center In the Department of Medicine

Contact Us

The Stanford Prevention Research Center is currently located at two addresses. We are in the Medical School Office Building on the Stanford Campus and also at 1070 Arastradero Road in Palo Alto, California.

Our addresses are;

Stanford Prevention Research Center
Stanford University School of Medicine
Medical School Office Building
1265 Welch Road, Mail Code 5411
Stanford, CA  94305-5411

Stanford Prevention Research Center
Stanford University School of Medicine
1070 Arastradero Road, Suites 100 and 300
Palo Alto, CA  94304-1334

Main phone: (650) 723-6254

Directions to our MSOB location can be found here. Directions to our 1070 location can be found here.

The faculty and staff pages show the location for each person included in those lists. You can also obtain individual contact information, including email, for any SPRC employee by searching the Stanford.who Directory Service.

The Center is administered through the School of Medicine, as a Division in the Department of Medicine. Dr. Farquhar directed the Center from its inception through 1997. Dr. Fortmann was appointed Center Director in 1998 and in May of 2010 retired.  Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis is the Director, and Ms. Chris Scholberg, the Director of Finance and Administration. The broad scope of the Center requires knowledge and skills from many different academic disciplines, and scientists and professionals from several Departments and Schools in the University are involved, as well as investigators in other institutions.

SPRC  houses an Outpatient Clinical Research Facility, the Health Improvement Program, and the Health Promotion Resource Center. The Clinical Research Facility includes examination and procedure rooms, phlebotomy stations, shower and dressing facilities for clinic participants, treadmill and bicycle exercise stations, oxygen consumption analysis equipment, and a blood processing area.

SPRC operates additional clinical research sites. SPRC research projects are also conducted in the Stanford University Hospital General Clinical Research Center and at schools and community centers throughout the Bay Area.

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