The Stanford Nutrition Studies Research

The Nutrition Studies Research is part of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program at Stanford (CAMPS), a strong and growing component of the Stanford Prevention Research Center. For more about Nutrition Studies, read About Us.
We are currently recruiting for the following study:
- Weight Loss Diets Study: Low Carb vs Low Fat and Insulin Resistance
- Potential Benefits of Two Dietary Antioxidants
For more information about our completed research studies, click on the links below:
- Raw Milk Study
- Complementary Approaches to Weight Loss Study
- The Fish Oil and Triglycerides Study
- Potential Health Benefits of Plant vs. Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Potential Health Benefits of Dietary Antioxidants from Supplements vs. Foods
- A TO Z: A Comparative Weight Loss Study
- The Effects of Three Sources of Garlic on Plasma Lipids
- The Effect of a Plant-Based Diet on Plasma Lipids
- The Soy Milk & Cholesterol Study
- The Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract Among Adults with Peripheral Artery Disease
- The Effects of Soy Isoflavones on the Breast, Prostate, and Bone