Prevention Research Center In the Department of Medicine

About the Center


The Stanford Prevention Research Center's interdisciplinary research program focuses on several areas of interest. Please select one of the following topics for more information (Adobe PDF format):

Introduction pdf icon
Community Health pdf icon
Medically Underserved Populations pdf icon
Successful Aging pdf icon
Women's Health pdf icon
Youth pdf icon

Promoting Individual and Community Health

The Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC) is an interdisciplinary research program involving several departments in the School of Medicine. The Center conducts problem-focused research, using observational and experimental methods, to test and disseminate disease prevention and control programs. The SPRC involves collaboration among a broad array of health professionals and social and behavioral scientists who share public health and population perspectives in planning and conducting research.

A Catalyst for Change

In the United States, medical schools and their associated academic health centers have achieved important and dramatic advances in the technological management of disease but have not effectively addressed several critical problems, including the rapid increase in the cost of medical care, inadequate application of proven preventive and therapeutic treatments, and continuing substandard indices of health among many subpopulations. In order to fulfill their roles in research, education, training, and innovation, academic health centers should expand their missions and adopt a broader concept that adds population health and social perspectives to the traditional emphasis on treating disease in individuals. The SPRC was created with that viewpoint and provides a model for the broader changes that need to occur.

Select from the topics on the right to download information about some of our research programs.

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