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Message from the chiefs
CV Medicine Chiefs Thomas Quertermous,MD
Alan Yeung, MD

Our goal is to provide excellence in teaching, research and clinical care. CV Medicine is one of the largest academic and clinical units within the Department of Medicine, providing clinical services to more than 250,000 patients annually through Stanford University Medical Center and the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System. We deliver compassionate and cutting edge preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients with coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, arrhythmia, aortic disease and heart failure. Read More »

About Us

Welcome to the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, a dynamic and innovative center dedicated to excellence in research, medical education, and clinical care. Our division is driven by 42 faculty, clinician educators and instructors who are the pillar of strength in the Division’s ongoing efforts into the prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Read More »

Clinical Trials

A number of clinical trials are currently underway in such areas as interventional cardiology, heart failure, and clinical electrophysiology.

ADVANCE is a large epidemiological study of genetic and non-genetic determinants of coronary artery disease with an overarching goal to improve our ability to prevent, diagnose and treat atherosclerotic heart disease.

NIBIB funds T32 Training Grant in Cardiovascular Imaging

The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering has funded Stanford for a T32 Training Grant to train the next generation of cardiovascular imaging researchers.

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