Prevention Research Center In the Department of Medicine

Faculty and Academic Staff

Principal InvestigatorsResearch Interests

Farquhar, John W , MD

Emeritus Professor (Active)

Medicine, Preventive Medicine, International Health, Preventive Cardiology, Social and Environmental Determinants of Chronic Disease.

Fortmann, Stephen P , MD

Emeritus Professor

Cardiovascular disease prevention and epidemiology, community and clinical trial methods, experimental design, behavioral intervention methods, community surveillance of cardiovascular disease rates, preventive cardiology, tobacco use cessation and tobacco control, and the clinical management of lipid disorders.

Gardner, Christopher D , PhD

Associate Professor

The role of nutrition and preventive medicine, with particular interests in: plant-based diets and phytochemicals; cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention; clinical trials and epidemiology. Nutrition Studies Web Site.

Haskell, William L , PhD

Emeritus Professor (Active)

Exercise and health, preventive cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation, multifactor CVD risk reduction, successful aging.

Heaney, Catherine , PhD

Associate Professor

Investigating psychosocial factors at the worksite (e.g., occupational stress, organizational justice, social support) that are associated with health and disease; developing and evaluating occupational safety and health interventions that address psychosocial and behavioral risk factors; bridging the gaps between theory, research, and practice in worksite health education.

Henriksen, Lisa A , PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Media effects on adolescents' use of tobacco and alcohol; Protective effects of authoritative parenting on youth; Experimental designs to test message effects

Ioannidis, John P.A., MD, DSc

Professor and Director, SPRC

Evidence-based medicine, clinical and molecular epidemiology, human genome epidemiology, research design, reporting of research, empirical evaluation of bias in research, randomized trials, statistical methods and mathematical modeling, meta-analysis and large-scale evidence, prognosis, predictive and personalized medicine and health, sociology of science.

Kiernan, Michaela S , PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Developing theory-based interventions for long-term behavior change in the areas of weight management, nutrition, and physical activity. Research methods and statistics.

Killen, Joel D , PhD


Prevention and treatment of nicotine dependence; prevention of obesity and eating disorders.

King, Abby C , PhD


Chronic disease prevention and control, behavioral medicine, health promotion in older adults and women, adoption and maintenance of regular physical activity.

Matheson , Donna , PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Family- and school-based nutrition interventions, and dietary assessment of children.

Robinson, Thomas N , MD, MPH


Child and adolescent obesity prevention and treatment, cardiovascular disease and cancer risk factor prevention, weight control, promotion of physical activity, nutrition, smoking prevention, effects of television viewing and video games on child health and behavior, health behavior change, school-based interventions, general pediatrics.

Stafford, Randall S , MD, PhD



Cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention; the adoption of new technology and prevention practices; patterns of physician practice, particularly medication prescribing; measuring and improving the quality of outpatient care; and disparities in health care by race, gender, age and socioeconomic status.

Stefanick, Marcia L , PhD


Women's health; postmenopausal hormones; physical activity; obesity and weight control; diet for breast cancer and heart disease prevention.

Winkleby, Marilyn A , PhD, MPH


Health of socioeconomically disadvantaged, ethnic minority, and other medically underserved populations; health promotion and disease prevention in underserved populations; community-based intervention studies; youth advocacy/mentorship and promoting diversity in health professions.
Other Academic Staff Research Interests

Alles, Wesley F , PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Director, Stanford Health Improvement Program and Stanford Health Promotion Resource Center. Interests include Community and Worksite Health Promotion, Behavior Change, Type A Behavior Modification.

Castro, Cynthia M , PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Psychology of physical activity, aging, caregiving.
Affiliated Investigators Research Interests

Sundquist, Jan , MD, PhD

Consulting Professor

Epidemiological and translational studies of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mental disorders and prevention of cardiovascular disease risk factors, especially in medically underserved populations; bridging the gap between academic research and clinical primary health care; and inter- and cross-disciplinary learning and research collaboration.

Wood, Peter D., DSc

Emeritus Professor-Deceased March 3, 2011


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