Program on Prevention Outcomes and Practices
Welcome to the Program on Prevention Outcomes and Practices (PPOP), part of the Stanford Prevention Research Center in the School of Medicine. The Program on Prevention Outcomes and Practices was established in 2002 to advance research and education on current patterns of health care, the process of behavior change, evaluation of prevention strategies, and designing interventions to facilitate evidence-based practice. Read more about PPOP and our mission.
PPOP Current Research Projects
- The Stanford and San Mateo County Obesity Reduction Project, Vivamos Activos Fair Oaks, will be using Case Management and Environmental Support in a randomized clinical trial to ethnically diverse, low-income populations to help reduce the nation's burden of obesity.
PPOP Past Research Projects
- The Understanding Pine Bark Extract as an Alternative Treatment (UPBEAT) study tests the effects of a popular herbal supplement on cardivascular disease indicators.
- The Bone Health Improvement Project (BHIP) studies the use of tailored online health messages and educational tutorials to improve behavior related to bone health practices.
- Assessing Gaps in Calcium use study analyzes disparitied in use of calcium
- Women's Use of Alternative Therapies for Menopausal Symptoms investigates the use of herbal and conventional therapies for menopausal symptoms.
- The Developing Data-Driven Research Priorities for Off-label Drug Use study will analyze the most recent available data on the frequency and associated scientific support of off-label drug use
- The Time Series Modeling of Prescribing Practices project looks at multiple influences on physician prescribing practices.
- The Quality Indicators Project examines disparities in disease treatment.
- The San Mateo County Heart to Heart Project is conducting a clinical trial on heart disease prevention in the San Mateo County Medical Center.
For more information on PPOP research contact us.