Continuing Medical Education
Today, cancer specialists and researchers are developing new diagnostics and therapies at a pace that shows no signs of slowing. Staying current with these advances requires an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning.
The Continuing Medical Education (CME) program, run by Stanford University School of Medicine in partnership with Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, offers direct access to the wealth of research and clinical resources home to the Stanford medical community. Through in-depth instruction and training, healthcare providers can pursue their professional development in the latest cancer diagnostics, prevention strategies and treatments.
CME offers a variety of educational opportunities. These include regularly scheduled conferences at the medical center, annual courses and symposia, self-assessment programs using enduring materials, skill acquisition courses, mini-sabbaticals/fellowships for clinicians and courses jointly sponsored with other nonprofit organizations. Some courses are available online or on CD-ROM for those unable to attend classes.
The Stanford Cancer Center holds a unique annual CME symposium each March where the most current information on multidisciplinary approaches in clinical oncology are presented through case-oriented tumor boards. For more information on this event, please visit Multidisciplinary Management of Cancers: A Case-based Approach.
For a schedule of CME seminars and events, please visit the Biomedical Seminars Calendar. For more information about CME programs at Stanford please visit the Stanford School of Medicine CME Office and the Stanford Hospital & Clinics CME Office.