Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

Community Outreach Programs

Every day investigators gain new insight into the genetic, behavioral and environmental factors that can impact an individual's risk for cancer and prognosis following diagnosis. Transforming these insights into improved public health is at the heart of the SCI mission.

The Stanford Cancer Institute oversees a range of community outreach programs designed to prevent cancer and improve the quality of life and outcome for those living with cancer throughout the Greater Bay Area.

As part of this effort, Stanford researchers and clinicians work closely with the Cancer Prevention Institute of California (formerly the Northern California Cancer Center) and other community-based organizations to address the unequal burden of cancer in medically underserved populations.

Public and Professional Education

Stanford researchers and clinicians provide the latest information in cancer prevention and promote access to our cancer screening services and clinical trials through a number of outreach initiatives.

Asian Liver Center at Stanford

Faculty Initiatives

NCI Cancer Information Service (CIS)

Physician Liaison Program

Prevention and Screening

Stanford Health Library

Clinical Trial Recruitment

Clinical trials provide patients at Stanford early access to the latest treatment strategies. The SCC conducts active recruitment throughout the Greater Bay Area to ensure the broadest possible access to these emerging therapies. Particular emphasis is placed on engaging minority and medically underserved populations.

Cooperative Groups

Cancer Clinical Trials Education & Outreach

Learn More About Recruitment in Clinical Trials

Making Progress with Clinical Trials

Support Services

Cancer can take a dramatic physical toll on patients’ bodies, but the mental and emotional demands of serious illness can be just as difficult. The SCC offers a range of support programs to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of a cancer diagnosis. These programs are free and open to the public.

Breast Cancer Connections

Cancer Supportive Care Program

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