Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

Patient Treatment Organizer

The Patient Treatment Organizer provided by Cancer Navigation Services helps newly diagnosed cancer patients manage the information they receive during their treatment.  Your medical team will personalize your organizer with patient education materials specific to your disease.  By using the organizer regularly and bringing it to appointments, you can keep track of any questions you have, information from your physicians, and a log of any other notes that you find helpful. 

The Organizer is broken down into sections:

The Organizer is available in Englishpdf icon, Spanish, Russian and Chinese (Mandarin).

If you require any additional information, such as maps of the hospital, campus, roads, or the schedule for the free Stanford University Marguerite Shuttle, please ask us for copies at the Welcome Desk and we will be happy to provide them for you.

You may request your copy of the Organizer at the Welcome Desk in the Cancer Center.

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