
Welcome to Cancer Navigation Services at the Stanford Clinical Cancer Center. We know that the process surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of cancer can be extremely difficult, and we are here to ensure that your experience is as uncomplicated and comfortable as possible. Whether you are a cancer patient, a caregiver, or a family member, Stanford Cancer Navigation Services strives to provide highly personal assistance while you are here. Our staff and volunteer navigators will provide you with a wealth of services and information about the resources at your disposal.
When you first arrive at the Stanford Cancer Center, please stop by our welcome desk in the lobby so that we may introduce ourselves to you. If you would like assistance, we would be happy to help you with any need, whether directing you to your appointment, providing information about our ongoing services or addressing any issues or concerns you many have about treatments or logistics. If you are a newly diagnosed cancer patient, please stop by the welcome desk for your copy of our Patient Treatment Organizer.