Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

Public and Professional Education

Stanford researchers and clinicians provide the latest information in cancer prevention and promote access to our cancer screening services and clinical trials through a number of outreach initiatives.

Stanford Health Library

The Health Library at Stanford is an established library that provides medical information to help people make informed decisions about their health and health care. The Stanford Cancer Center houses a specialized branch of the library that offers a wide range of cancer resources. Located in the first floor atrium, this branch—and the services of its trained staff—are free and open to the public. The library also sponsors a community lecture series addressing a range of cancer-related topics. For more information about the Stanford Health Library and its services, please visit them online.

NCI Cancer Information Service (CIS)

For nearly 30 years, the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service (CIS) has provided the latest cancer information to patients, their families, health professionals and the public. For more information, please visit the pages for the NCI Cancer Information Service.

Prevention and Screening

The early detection of cancer provides the greatest opportunity for cure. To this end, the SCC offers a number of cancer screening and prevention programs. Each spring the center provides free skin cancer screening through a number of community-based locations. The Center also sponsors a free smoking cessation program, which includes self-help materials, an advisory consultation and follow-up support.

Take the time to care for yourself and those who need you. Learn about colorectal, breast and cervical early detection cancer screening tests. The Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts provides low-income women access to 2 tests every woman should be aware of

Asian Liver Center at Stanford

Hepatitis B accounts for 80 percent of all liver cancer cases. Today nearly 15 percent of Asian Americans are infected with the virus; of these individuals, one in four will eventually die of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to addressing this disproportionately high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer among Asians and Asian Americans. In 2001, the center launched the Jade Ribbon Campaign, which brings together 400 community organizations in a joint effort to educate local Asian and Pacific Islander (API) American populations about the risks they face. For more information about the Asian Liver Center, please visit them online.

Physician Liaison Program

The Physician Liaison Program serves as a communication link between the SCC and community physicians, medical groups and health plans. In addition to facilitating patient referrals to the SCC, the office organizes clinical presentations and other educational outreach to grand rounds, special interest groups, tumor boards and other professional venues throughout Northern California. For more information, please visit the program online.

Faculty Initiatives

Faculty members pursue a range of community-based activities aimed at improving cancer awareness and support services and promoting clinical trial recruitment among minority and underserved populations. These community leaders include Amreen Husain, MD; Kim Rhoads, MD; LaVera Crowley, MD; Janine Giese-Davis, PhD; and David Spiegel, MD, among others.


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