Cancer Institute A national cancer institute
designated cancer center

Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Cancers

Because our physicians invented many of the diagnostic methods and surgical techniques available to treat your cancer, many of these advances are still only available at Stanford. By coming here, you'll get cutting-edge care, provided by a world-class team, in a caring environment.
Diagnosis & Treatment

> Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Cancers
Services Overview

> Our Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Cancers Team

> Find a Gastrointestinal Cancer Physician

> Find a Colorectal Cancer Physician

For complete information about clinical services, please see
Getting Treatment

Types of Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Cancers

> Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

> Anal

> Cholangiocarcinoma

> Colon (download newsletter on Colon Cancer Program)

> Esophagus

> Gallbladder

> Stomach

> Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

> Hereditary Nonpolyposis

> Liver

> Pancreatic

Advances in Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Detection and Treatment
With George Fisher, MD, PhD

Watch Full-size Video

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in the U.S. Advances in imaging, genetics, molecular diagnostics, surgical techniques and chemotherapy are now making significant gains in our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat this serious disease. Dr. Fisher reviews some of these recent successes and shares a vision of future care based on current research.


With expertise in the basic and clinical sciences, Stanford investigators are delving into the basic origins of blood diseases and in turn translating their findings into the most advanced diagnostic and treatment strategies available today.

> SCI Research Programs

> Faculty Projects and Publications

> Overview

Contact Information

Stanford Cancer Center
875 Blake Wilbur Drive
Stanford, CA  94305
view map

(650) 498-6000

Monday - Friday, 
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

(877) 487-0237
More Info

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