Supportive Services
Educational Materials
The Cancer Prevention Institute of California (formerly the Northern California Cancer Center) offers a number of free publications for patients, family members, caregivers and health-care professionals.
Cancer can take a dramatic physical toll on patients’ bodies, but the mental and emotional demands of serious illness can be just as difficult. The SCC offers a range of support programs to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of a cancer diagnosis. These programs are free and open to the public.
Cancer Supportive Care Program
Stanford’s Cancer Supportive Care Services Program provides educational and support activities designed to ease the side-effects of cancer and its treatment and to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caregivers. These activities include psychosocial support, exercise, complementary/alternative modality classes and counseling on nutrition, fatigue reduction and pain management. All activities are free and open to the general public. For more information about the Cancer Supportive Care Program, please visit them online.
Breast Cancer Connections
Breast Cancer Connections offers a variety of programs and services to help breast cancer patients and survivors get the information and support that they need to make treatment decisions and to address the emotional and social challenges of their breast cancer diagnosis. For more information, please visit them online.