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Research News

Patrick Swayze Pancreas Research Fund Established
at the Stanford Cancer Center

Lisa Niemi and Patrick Swayze

While battling his disease, Patrick Swayze was courageous in making his cancer public and speaking out in support of cancer research. 

In this spirit, the Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund has been established at the Stanford Cancer Center to fund research that leads to more effective treatments for pancreas cancer patients.  Gifts to this fund will support studies to increase our understanding of pancreas cancer and develop new therapies and technologies that can be applied to improving diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

“Our goal is to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the study of pancreas cancer and the care of patients afflicted with the disease,” says George Fisher, MD, PhD, associate professor medicine-oncology. 

“I am confident that research involving emerging technologies and targeted therapeutics will offer improved outcomes for pancreas cancer patients, and that this work will serve as a worthy tribute in honor of Patrick,” Dr. Fisher said.

Swayze’s wife, Lisa Niemi, commented: “I know that Patrick would be more than pleased that this fund will enable Dr. George Fisher and the experts at Stanford to pursue important research that will improve the odds of survival for future patients. It was Patrick’s deepest wish that his illness and brave fight somehow help others. I know he, as well as I, thank you for your help in the fight against this terrible disease.”

To contribute to the Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund:

      • Go Online – Make a gift online by using Stanford’s secure web site for giving.

     • Mail or Fax Your Gift – Print and complete this donation form. Mail or fax with your donation made payable to Stanford University to:     

      The Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund
      Stanford Cancer Center
      Development Office
       2700 Sand Hill Road
       Menlo Park, CA 94025
       650-234-0644 (fax)

     • Call Us – Contact our development staff by calling 650-234-0651 to discuss a gift.


Posted 09/29/09

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