
Workshop Policies and Requirements

  • Relation of Geballe Research Workshops to Courses[+]
    The Geballe Research Workshops serve as a venue to exchange and present ongoing research among faculty and graduate students. Workshops may emerge from courses, and ideas for courses may arise from workshops, but workshops may not formally substitute for courses or function concurrently as extensions of graduate or undergraduate courses. Workshops must remain open to any Stanford graduate student or faculty member who wishes to attend. Moreover, a workshop cannot count for course credit, nor can students be required to attend workshop meetings as credit for another course. Undergraduates may participate in workshops on an occasional basis, but given the focus on advanced research, only exceptional undergraduates will normally serve as core participants.
  • Orientation Meetings[+]
    Graduate student coordinators must attend an orientation session in the fall in order to receive access to account information and authority to charge expenses for the workshop. Faculty coordinators are encouraged to attend these orientation sessions as well. Both faculty and graduate student coordinators are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all materials in the coordinator’s manual.
  • Schedules[+]
    Geballe Research Workshops must meet regularly, at least three times per quarter. Workshop schedules are posted directly to the Center website by workshop coordinators.
  • Publicity[+]
    Workshops must use the following statement on all publicity and announcements:

    “Funding for this program comes from gifts to endowment from individuals as well as from the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.”

    As part of our endowment campaign, some workshops may be named in honor of a donor. If your workshop is named, you will be notified and asked to include that information in your publicity materials.
  • End-of-Year Report[+]
    In spring quarter, each workshop must provide a year-end report detailing the workshop’s intellectual activities during the year. A list of all meetings and presentations is required (please include names of speakers, talk titles, locations, and dates). Coordinators must oversee dissemination, completion, and collection of workshop participant evaluations. Additional mid-year reporting may be required in special cases (e.g. failure to hold the minimum number of required meetings per quarter).

    Please provide a narrative explaining your goals for the year, successes, problems, and areas for improvement, as well as plans for the future, if applicable. Please give specifics wherever possible.

    Please include a very brief overview of your publicity strategy. We are interested in learning how you provided an awareness of your events. How did you find your workshop participants? What efforts were the most successful for your meetings?

    Please provide an estimate of attendance at workshop meetings over the course of the year for both faculty and graduate student participants.

    Deadline: The submission deadline is the last business day in June. Reports are submitted electronically to Kent Safford at [email protected].
  • Humanities Center Facilities and Availability[+]
    The Geballe Research Workshops have priority over other campus groups for using the meeting rooms at the Humanities Center. However, the Humanities Center has first priority in using its meeting rooms and may, in unusual circumstances, have to override a workshop reservation. If this should be necessary, we will notify you as soon as possible. Workshops may sign up for space at the Center starting July 1.
  • Meeting Room Hours[+]
    Monday-Friday: 4 PM-10 PM (this includes the time needed for set-up and clean-up)

    Fridays: Levinthal Hall only available beginning at 1 PM for colloquia and conferences*

    Saturday-Sunday: All day

    *Colloquia and conferences using the meeting rooms are required to bring someone to set up in the lobby and to field inquiries. Please do not ask Humanities Center staff for assistance. Light refreshments (no lunches) may be served in connection with your event booked for Friday afternoon. Meals on the weekends may include lunch, but no dinner.

    To request use of the meeting rooms, please email Rachel Knowles, the Stanford Humanities Center office coordinator: [email protected]. Your reservation is not booked until you receive written confirmation by email from Rachel Knowles. All workshop coordinators using Stanford Humanities Center facilities must be familiar with and follow all rules.
  • Fees[+]
    Fees are generally waived for the Geballe Research Workshops. However, if your workshop leaves food or trash in a meeting room requiring immediate cleaning, your workshop will be charged $50. If the building or equipment is damaged in any way, the workshop responsible will incur charges.
  • Humanities Center Facility Policies[+]
    Complete policies for the use of Humanities Center facilities are available on the Center’s website. Please note all facility policies and follow all rules and guidelines. As the workshop coordinator, you are responsible for the actions of your workshop while using the Humanities Center rooms and facilities and must have someone on hand at all times to answer questions, direct traffic, and minimize the impact of the meeting on Humanities Center fellows. Minors must be under the direct supervision of a responsible adult while in the building or on the premises in order to protect them from injury and avoid disruption to fellows in their offices. A small box with utensils and cleaning supplies will be available in the meeting room cabinets. Please do not take or borrow items from the kitchen in the staff wing or the Watt Common Room.