In spring quarter, each workshop must provide a year-end report detailing the workshop’s intellectual activities during the year. A list of all meetings and presentations is required (please include names of speakers, talk titles, locations, and dates). Coordinators must oversee dissemination, completion, and collection of workshop participant evaluations. Additional mid-year reporting may be required in special cases (e.g. failure to hold the minimum number of required meetings per quarter).
Please provide a narrative explaining your goals for the year, successes, problems, and areas for improvement, as well as plans for the future, if applicable. Please give specifics wherever possible.
Please include a very brief overview of your publicity strategy. We are interested in learning how you provided an awareness of your events. How did you find your workshop participants? What efforts were the most successful for your meetings?
Please provide an estimate of attendance at workshop meetings over the course of the year for both faculty and graduate student participants.
Deadline: The submission deadline is the last business day in June. Reports are submitted electronically to Kent Safford at
[email protected].