The research workshop administrator at the Humanities Center handles all financial administration for the workshops, processing reimbursements, petty cash transactions, and honoraria requests for speakers, and requesting payments for travel-related charges. Please bring in your receipts, and ask questions via phone, email, or in person during the workshop coordinator’s office hours (9 a.m.-noon; 1 p.m.-5 p.m. M-Th):
Geballe Research Workshops, Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Teresa Street, Room 145 Stanford, CA 94305-4015 Phone: 650.724.8169 Fax: 650.723.1895 Web:
For administrative questions contact:
Kent Safford, Geballe Research Workshops administrator, at
[email protected]For Pcard approvals contact:
Najwa Salame, Humanities Center financial manager, at
[email protected] Monthly Financial StatementsEach month, the workshop administrator will send an email to all workshop coordinators containing a summary of the workshop’s spending to date, along with the original budget projections for each category (i.e. honoraria, travel, hotels, etc). The financial statements are derived from information provided by Stanford’s Controllers Office and should be considered the authoritative source for the workshop’s account balance.
If you notice a discrepancy in the statement, or have questions regarding expenditures, please contact the workshop administrator right away. The statements are provided to the workshop coordinators so that they can track spending; however workshop coordinators are ultimately responsible for managing expenses. To ensure accurate accounting, coordinators must notify the workshop administrator immediately of all expenses charged to the account using direct billing.
Research Workshop AccountsEach workshop is assigned an individual Project-Task-Award (PTA). This PTA can also be used for placing requests with Stanford Events & Services, processing PCard expenses, booking guest lodging at the Stanford Guest House, and ordering food through Stanford Catering. You will receive your workshop’s PTA after completing the program orientation in the fall. In order to receive your PTA, you must attend orientation or make alternate arrangements to see workshop administrator, Kent Safford. Please keep your PTA confidential.
ReceiptsAll receipts must show the:
- Date
- Amount of expense
- Purpose of the expense (for example, “Airport Shuttle”). If any of this information is unclear on the receipts, please write an explanatory note on the back of the receipt, or attach a separate sheet if you need more space (for example: names of attendees at a workshop debrief dinner).
Credit card purchases: To reimburse a credit card purchase, we need both the charge receipt and the itemized receipt given to you by the vendor along with the credit card statement of the cardholder.
Airline receipts: A copy of the original ticket(s), duplicate ticket, or printout of the e-ticket is acceptable as long as it shows the traveler’s name, the ticket number, airline, and amount paid. When paying by credit card, include a copy of the credit card statement.
Book receipts: Books may be purchased for distribution to workshop participants in preparation for discussion at a meeting, or for reference throughout the fall and winter quarters and up until June 1st for the spring quarter. In order to be reimbursed for book expenses, workshop coordinators must be able to demonstrate that the books purchased were directly linked to a workshop activity.
Meal receipts: You must provide the name of each individual who attended the meal and specific information on the occasion for which the food was purchased (i.e. the workshop gathered to dine with a guest speaker). If the meal took place at a restaurant, please give the name and location of the restaurant, as well as an itemized receipt with clear distinction of which items are food and which are alcohol. You can significantly expedite the reimbursement process by asking restaurants to put any alcohol charges on a separate receipt.
Lost receipts: If you lose a receipt, you must fill out a Lost Receipt Memo (see appendices for a copy of this form, or get one from the workshop administrator) and provide proof of payment for the expense (bank or credit card statement).