
Humanities Center Policies

  • Residency[+]
    As members of a residential center, fellows are asked to live within 10 miles of the Stanford campus and remain in residence for the entire academic year (with the exception of short absences to attend a conference, give a lecture, etc.). Please notify the directors of any extended absence due to illness or other extenuating circumstances.
  • Research Presentation[+]
    During the course of the year, fellows are required to present their research to the group in the form of a thirty-minute oral presentation. These presentations are followed by a thirty-minute question-and-answer period. In general, fellows have found that informal presentations based on notes are the most engaging for this format, particularly when a fellow focuses on a problem or issue in the project that is still being worked out.
  • Lunches[+]
    The Center provides catered lunches are served Monday through Friday in the lunchroom (Watt Common Room) at noon. The Center covers the cost of the lunches and makes every effort to provide a consistently good menu. Should you prefer, you are also welcome to bring your own food (or just enjoy the conversation).

    Please feel free to invite occasional guests to lunch at the Center on any weekdays except days on which the weekly presentations are given (to allow adequate space and food for guests of the fellow presenting that day). Former fellows have an open invitation to come to lunch, so you will likely meet some of them during your year at the Center.

    The Center recognizes that fellows may wish to go to lunchtime talks in departments relevant to their work or have occasional private lunches. For this reason, though daily attendance is welcome and encouraged, the Center expects attendance at lunch just four days a week.

    Attendance at the weekly research presentations is also expected. As a courtesy, if you will be unable to attend a weekly research presentation, please let the directors and the fellow presenting know ahead of time.
  • Sexual Harassment Training[+]
    According to Stanford's policy, all fellows are required to complete sexual harassment policy training. To review Stanford's policy on and resources about sexual harassment, visit: https://www.stanford.edu/dept/ocr/shpo/. The Center will not tolerate violations of this policy.