Other Events
In addition to the endowed lectures, the Humanities Center occasionally sponsors other distinguished visitors to the Stanford campus. The Humanities Center also hosts the Annual Celebration of Publications, which honors the Stanford Humanities faculty who have published a book in the previous calendar year.2011-2012
Tom Hare,
Marta Sutton Weeks Fellow 2011-12
"How I Write" May 14, 2012
Leah DeVun,
External Faculty Fellow 2011-12
"Humanities Circle: What Does it Mean to Work in the Humanities?" May 7, 2012
Marjorie Garber,
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of English and Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University
"The Use and Abuse of Literature," April 4, 2011
Scott Saul,
External Faculty Fellow 2010-11"How I Write… About Comedy and Popular Culture," March 1, 2011
Geoffrey Harpham,
President, National Humanities Center"Melancholy in the Midst of Abundance: How America Invented the Humanities," February 1, 2011
2008-2009"Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Hitchock's Vertigo," October 17, 2008
2007-2008Stefan Collini, FBA,
Author"Critics, Historians, and 'Modernity' in Interwar Britain," October 15, 2007
Marjorie Garber,
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of English and Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University
"After the Humanities," October 8, 2007
2006-2007Troy Jollimore,
External Faculty Fellow 2006-2007"How I Write," April 25, 2007
2001-2002Sir Frank Kermode,
Rhoda and Elliott Levinthal Distinguished Visitor 2001-2002"Wholeness," November 14, 2001
1998-1999Francine Winddance Twine,
Associate Professor of International Studies and Women's Studies, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, "Is Transracial Motherhood Transformative? Racial Consciousness Among the White Mothers of Black Children in Britain," February 18, 1999
1997-1998JM Coetzee,
Rhoda and Elliott Levinthal Distinguished Visitor 1997-1998"
The Lives of the Animals," October 20, 1997
1995-1996Susan Sontag,
Writer, director, human rights activist"Cruelty and Apathy," April 16, 1996
"Rethinking the Novel," April 9, 1996
Sara Bates,
member of the Cherokee Tribe"Spirit as Source: Contemporary Native American Art," October 23, 1995
1994-1995Andy Goldsworthy,
Earth Artist"Breath of Earth," February 3, 1995
Mieke Bal,
Professor of Theory and Literature, University of Amsterdam"Reading the Handwriting on the Wall: Making Meaning in Museums," December 2, 1994
1993-1994Spalding Gray,
Monologuist, Writer, Actor"Gray's Anatomy," May 2, 1994
William Cronon,
Frederick Jackson Turner Professor of History, University of Wisconsin"Telling Tales on Canvas: Landscapes of Frontier Change," April 28, 1994