
University and Building Policies

  • Building Maintenance[+]
    Please help us take care of Humanities Center facilities. Any time you are aware of a building maintenance problem (faulty door lock, burned out light, etc.), please report it directly to our office coordinator at 724-0113. After hours, report any emergency to Buildings & Grounds Maintenance at 723-2281, which operates 24 hours a day.
  • Offices[+]
    Office Use: Each fellow is assigned an office for his or her individual use. Offices are intended to be used by the fellow only and should not be shared with colleagues, friends, or family members. We operate under the assumption that fellows will use their Humanities Center office as their primary working space, and encourage fellows to do so. Larger offices are at a premium; should you not be using your office at the Center, we may ask you to switch spaces with another fellow with a smaller office.

    Office Furnishings: All offices are fully furnished with at least one bookshelf, filing cabinet, desk, ergonomic chair, and lamp. Small items may be exchanged between fellows on an ad hoc basis (i.e. you are responsible for the items yourself) but large items must stay in their original offices. If something is broken or missing, or is stolen, we ask that you please inform our office coordinator. So as not to damage walls and woodwork, please only use pushpins or blue tape to hang posters and fliers (and please only use blue tape on your office door). To hang heavier items, please use picture-hanging nails and hooks. Blue tape and pushpins are available in the copy room.

    Office Keys: Should you lose your keys during the year there is a replacement fee of $30.00/key. If you are locked out of your office after hours and need immediate access, please call Buildings & Grounds Maintenance at 3-2281. Should you not reach anyone, call Campus Police (Public Safety) at 9-2413. Please be aware that you will be expected to reimburse the Center for any charges the Center incurs for unlocking your door after hours.
  • Kitchen[+]
    Cleanup and Leftovers: The buffet lunch is set out at noon and cleared by our caterer, but fellows and their guests clear their own places. After 1:15 p.m., please feel free to set aside leftovers for yourself, and clearly label them with your name. Also, please feel free to help yourself to any unclaimed leftovers that the caterers place in the refrigerator.

    A specially marked container is provided for recycling glass bottles and aluminum cans. You are also welcome to bring your own cup or glass if you would prefer not to use paper. Limited space in our dishwasher does not allow for daily washing of cups, glasses or bowls by our caterers. If you use these items to avoid waste, please wash them afterwards.
  • Building Safety & Security[+]
    It is imperative that everyone take a few simple precautions to protect the physical safety of those of us using the facilities, and to prevent theft or damage to computers, photocopying and other equipment here at the Center. Please take the time to read carefully and follow the general safety guidelines that follow, as well as the Center's emergency preparedness information.

    1. If you enter or leave the building after 5:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m. on weekdays, or any time during the weekend, please make sure that the doors are locked after you enter or exit. Outside lights should be left on.

    2. If you are expecting a visitor after hours, please keep an eye out and do not leave the door unlocked for them. There is a courtesy phone in front of the building which your visitor can use to call you upon arrival.

    3. If you see entry doors propped open when the building is empty, please close them at once. Please do not prop open exterior lunchroom doors (by the picnic tables) and make sure they are always secured.

    4. There have been instances in previous years when laptop computers were stolen from fellows' offices. Please keep your office door and windows locked whenever you are away for any length of time. Keep purses or other valuables in a locked desk or file drawer.

    5. The lunchroom/kitchen and the photocopy/supply room are to remain locked during off-hours.

    6. The doors separating the fellows wing and the staff wing from the core of the building should be locked after hours (i.e., after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on weekends). The main exceptions to this are the interior access doors linking Levinthal Hall and the fellows wing, which are required by law to remain functional exits from the Levinthal side. These doors have an alarm (activated after 5:00 p.m. and on weekends) that will sound if anyone opens them.
  • Smoke-Free Environment[+]
    Stanford's buildings are smoke-free environments. According to Stanford policy, "smoking is prohibited in classrooms and offices, all enclosed buildings and facilities, in covered walkways, in University vehicles, during indoor or outdoor athletic events, and during other University sponsored or designated indoor or outdoor events. Outdoor smoking areas must be at least 20 feet away from doorways, open windows, covered walkways, and ventilation systems to prevent smoke from entering enclosed buildings and facilities."

    This means that smoking is prohibited inside the Humanities Center building, on the outdoor patios, and in the courtyard (they are too close to doors, windows, and ventilation units).
  • Children in the Workplace[+]
    University policy states that "minors are prohibited from being present in work areas at Stanford" (see https://hrweb.stanford.edu/elr/policies). However, fellows are welcome to bring their children to social events such as the fellows' picnics, as well the occasional lunch or reception. Minors must be under direct adult supervision while in the building or on the premises in order to protect them from injury and avoid disruption to fellows in their offices. Please consult the directors if you have any questions.
  • Pet Policy[+]
    With the exception of working animals (such as Seeing Eye dogs) in the attendance of their owners, animals are not allowed in the Humanities Center building.
  • Recycling[+]
    Please recycle! There are paper, container, and electronic-waste recycling bins throughout the building, including in the kitchen, copy room, and near computer workstations.

    Acceptable containers include: aluminum cans, glass bottles & jars, plastics #1 & #2, plastic bottles #1-7, aseptic contains, milk & juice cartons.
    Acceptable paper includes: all mixed paper excluding paper contaminated with food. If you can tear it, it's recyclable. You can also put plastic bags and bubble wrap in the mixed paper recycling.

    It is against the law to dispose of batteries or any other electronic waste in the trash; please dispose of all batteries in appropriate recycling containers (for example, the container in the copy room).
  • Energy Conservation[+]
    In order to help us conserve our resources, please refer to this URL:https://www.stanford.edu/dept/hds/shs/conserve/energy.html. We encourage you to take the following steps:

    • Enable the sleep settings on your computer monitor. Screen savers do not save energy but sleep settings do. See: https://www.energy-solution.com/off-equip/. ITSS can help you with this set-up.
    • Turn off computers, monitors, printers, copiers, coffeepots, and lights every night and on weekends. If you can't turn off the entire computer, turn off the monitor and the printer. Be aware of peak power usage periods.
    • Try to minimize your energy use during peak demand hours (from noon to 6 p.m.).

    For more information, visit:https://facilities.stanford.edu/conservation/energyofficehtm.htm.