
Planned Giving & Bequests

Since its founding, the Stanford Humanities Center has built a community passionately engaged in the fundamental task of understanding what it means to be human. A bequest allows you to realize your philanthropic goals and guarantee the vitality of this dynamic community for future generations.

Make a Gift Online.
  • What is a bequest?[+]
    Simply put, a bequest is a gift from your estate. You can make a bequest in your will or living trust by designating an exact dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. Or you might consider naming the Stanford Humanities Center as a beneficiary in your retirement plan or life insurance policy.

    A bequest is free from federal estate taxes and income taxes. By planning now, you can designate your assets for charitable use and ensure that the Stanford Humanities Center continues to enrich our understanding of human history and cultures for generations to come.
  • What other planned giving options do I have?[+]
    Life income gifts are another planned giving option that provide for you now and the Humanities Center later. They also offer significant tax advantages. Charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, and pooled income funds, are some examples of such gifts.

    When you establish a life income gift, you irrevocably transfer cash, securities, or other property to Stanford. The university then manages the investment of the assets and pays an income to you or your beneficiaries for life. Thereafter, the remaining assets from your gift go to support the Stanford Humanities Center.
  • How do I make a bequest?[+]
    Making a bequest to the Stanford Humanities Center is easy. You may create a new will or living trust, add a codicil to your present will, or amend your present trust instrument. To ensure that your exact intentions are implemented in harmony with the rest of your estate plan, estate planning documents should be prepared in consultation with your attorney.

    If you are planning a simple bequest to the Stanford Humanities Center, the following language can be used:

    I hereby give ______________ to THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, an educational institution. This gift shall be fully expendable and shall be used to support the Stanford Humanities Center.
  • Who do I contact about making a bequest?[+]
    If you are planning a detailed bequest, or if you would like more information about your planned giving options, you may contact Susan Sebbard at 650.723.3053 or [email protected].

    You can also contact Stanford's Office of Planned Giving directly at 800.227.8977, ext. 54358, or
    [email protected]. Stanford's team of planned giving experts can help you with everything from simple bequests to gifts of retirement plan assets, life insurance, real property, appreciated securities, and the complete range of life income gifts.
  • What are the benefits of making a bequest?[+]
    • A bequest costs nothing now, but helps to secure the future of the Stanford Humanities Center.
    • A bequest is free from federal estate and income taxes.
    • A bequest allows you to retain control of your assets during your lifetime and modify your charitable designations should you so choose.
    • If you notify the Stanford Humanities Center or the university of your bequest, you will be included as a member in Stanford's Founding Grant Society. It would be our privilege to be able to thank and recognize you now.
Contact Us
Photo of Susan Sebbard
If you have any questions about giving to the Humanities Center, please contact Assistant Director Susan Sebbard at 650.723.3053 or send an email to [email protected].