All departments of Stanford University are eligible to use the facility according to the following priorities:
- Humanities Center sponsored events
- Geballe Research Workshops
- Humanities departments at Stanford
- Humanities-oriented conferences and lectures by other Stanford departments
Humanities departments may also seek co-sponsorship for their events from the Humanities Center. Please contact Rachel Knowles for details at 650.724.0113 or
[email protected].
The Humanities Center is primarily used as a workspace for Humanities Center fellows and staff. Because of the Center's academic mission and its character as a dedicated workspace for fellows, the facilities may not be used for events that are likely to be disruptive to this environment. Some examples of events not allowed are:
- Administrative functions
- Social events
- Student Services
- Receptions not in conjunction with conferences or lectures
- Dinners whether in conjunction with conferences or lectures or not
- Classes or groups for weekly meetings
- Any event that is not free and open to the Stanford community or general public
The Humanities Center has priority in using these meeting rooms and may, in unusual circumstances, have to override another group’s reservation. If this should be necessary, we will notify you as soon as possible.