
Arts and International Events

The Humanities Center sponsors International Visitors and Bliss Carnochan Visitors, who give public lectures during their residency. The arts events include events featuring the Arts Critics in Residence and Arts Writers/Practitioners in Residence, both jointly sponsored by SiCa.

Mario Carretero, Professor of Psychology, Autonoma University of Madrid/Buenos Aires
"Historical Narratives and the Construction of National Identities," January 24, 2012

Alastair Macaulay, Dance Critic, The New York Times
"Life, Art, Dance, and Criticism," November 2, 2011

Adams Bodomo, African Studies Programme Director at the School of Humanities, University of Hong Kong
"What is it Like to be an African in China?" October 13, 2011

MK Raina, Arts Writer/Practitioner in Residence 2011-12
"Salon Featuring MK Raina," October 11, 2011


Anies Baswedan, President, Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia
"Does Democratization Imply Islamization? Lessons from Democratic Indonesia, the World's Largest Majority-Muslim Country," May 18, 2011
"Lunch Seminar with Anies Baswedan," May 10, 2011

Jean-Michel Frodon, Institute of Political Studies, Paris
"The Critic's Response and Responsibility," April 28, 2011
"Filming or Not Filming the War," April 7, 2011

Ruth Reichl, Author, restaurant critic, former editor-in-chief, Gourmet Magazine
"The Intersection of Food, Culture, and History," March 29, 2011

Milica Tomic, Arts Writer/Practitioner in Residence 2010-11
"Art and Right to Public Space," March 9, 2011
"Delegated Performance Mini-Conference," February 18, 2011

Stephane Dudoignon, Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies, EHESS, Paris
"Jihad as a Lifestyle: The Baloch, Islam, and the State in Iran (since 1917)," January 25, 2011

Victor Gama, Arts Writer/Practitioner in Residence 2010-11
"A Concert with Victor Gama," October 27, 2010
"A Discussion with Victor Gama," October 14, 2010

Cathy Horyn, Fashion Critic, The New York Times
"Open Discussion with Cathy Horyn," October 20, 2010
"Fashion, Writing, and the Arts," October 19, 2010


Diego Gambetta, Sociology, Nuffield College, Oxford
"Engineers of Jihad Part 1: The Facts," April 2, 2010
"Engineers of Jihad Part 2: The Interpretation," April 22, 2010

Julian Stallabrass, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
"The Artist as Critic/The Critic as Mouthpiece: The Peculiar Case of Jeff Wall," April 7, 2010

Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
"Thailand, A Nation in the Making," March 4, 2010

Steven Robins, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Stellenbosch
"From Revolution to Rights in South Africa?" February 26, 2010

Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, International lawyer, policy adviser, public intellectual, Paris
"Bridge over Troubled Water: The Union for the Mediterranean?" February 22, 2010

Anne Simonin, IRICE Lab, CNRS, Paris I and IV
"What's Really Good about 'Infamous Sanctions'? The Case of France 1791-1951," January 29, 2010


Adam Gopnik, Staff Writer, The New Yorker
"Why Write About Writing? or, How Dr. Johnson Can Save Your Life," May 13, 2009

Felicity Nussbaum, Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles
"The Invention of Celebrity," April 3, 2009

Julian Bell, Painter and Critic
"Verbal Bubble Wrap; or The Contradictions of Art Writing," March 5, 2009


Anthony Tommasini, Chief Classical Music Critic, The New York Times
"The Art of Judging Music: An Update," May 14, 2008

David Lieberman, Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley
"Shaping and Breaking the Politics of Legal History," April 1, 2008

Joan Acocella, Staff Writer, The New Yorker
"Reviewing: Is it an Art or a Craft?" February 6, 2008

David Thompson, Author and contributor, The Guardian, The New York Times, Film Comment, Movieline, Salon.com
"What Do Film Critics Do?" November 14, 2007


Max Byrd, Novelist
"The Historical Novel," April 20, 2007

, Performance Artist
"This Is My Body… This Is My Software Between Western Culture and Non-Western Culture," April 4, 2007


Emma Rothschild, Director of the Centre for History and Economics, King's College, Cambridge; Visiting Professor of History, Harvard University
"Children and Childishness Revisited," April 7, 2006


Nicolas Barker, Author
"Literary Forgery as a Fine Art," April 8, 2005


Eric Sundquist, UCLA Foundation Professor of Literature, University of California, Los Angeles
"The Wounding Past: Diaspora, Slavery, Holocaust," April 2, 2004


Thomas Crow, Professor of Art History, Yale University
"The Scandal of Allegory: How do Warhols Mean?" April 25, 2003


Drew Gilpin Faust, Dean, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
"Missing in Action: Naming the Dead in the American Civil War," April 19, 2002


David Cannadine, Director, Institute of Historical Research, England
"Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire," April 19, 2001


Bernard Bailyn, Adams University Professor and James Duncan Phillips Professor of Early American History, Emeritus, Harvard University
"Politics and the Creative Imagination: The Founding Generation," April 6, 2000


Arnold Rampersad, Sara Hart Kimball Professor, Stanford University
"Biography & African-American Culture," April 16, 1999


Linda Colley, Richard M. Colgate Professor of History, Yale University
"Going Native, Telling Tales: Captivities and Collaborations in an Age of Empire," April 17, 1998


W. Robert Connor, Director, National Humanities Center
"Festival and Democracy: The Athenian Panathenaea," April 18, 1997


Marshall Sahlins, Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago
"Sentimental Pessimism and Ethnographic Experience: Modern forms of Culture and History," April 19, 1996


Lawrence Levine, Margaret Byrne Professor of History, Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley; Professor of Cultural Studies and History, George Mason University
"'All the Nations in the World': The Search for an American Identity," February 28, 1995


Linda Nochlin, Lila Acheson Wallace Professor of Modern Art, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
"The Body in Pieces: The Fragment as Metaphor of Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Art," April 15, 1994


Tony Judt, Remarque Professor of European Studies, New York University
"After Dissent: The Intellectual Condition in Contemporary Europe," April 16, 1993