Stanford Undergraduates
Undergraduate FellowshipsThe Stanford Undergraduate Fellowship program is designed for undergraduates working on a humanities-related project. Undergraduate Fellows will work with a Humanities Center Fellow on a quarterly basis.
Undergraduate Humanities Circle
This workshop brings together undergraduates from all different majors to discuss a variety of humanities-related interests with each other and outside visitors.
Stanford Graduate Students
Graduate Fellowships
Stanford Graduate Students may apply for up to four different dissertation fellowships: the Geballe, Whiting, Lieberman, and Mellon Fellowships.
Dissertation Writing Group
This workshop, a pilot program during 2011-12, is intended to foster intensive and collaborative exchange among those in the final stages of dissertation writing.
Non-Stanford Students
While ineligible to apply for fellowships, non-Stanford students are encouraged to attend the meeting of a
workshop or any of our public