
Expenses, Reimbursement, and Honoraria

  • Overview[+]
    There are three basic ways to deal with workshop expenses, depending on the circumstances of the expense:

    1. Direct billing the expense to the Center, such as using your workshop PTA when making reservations with the Stanford Guest House and Stanford Catering

    2. Using a departmental PCard (purchasing card) or the workshop PCard

    3. Paying for the expense yourself and obtaining reimbursement via petty cash funds or T & R check processing.

    Please note that due to Stanford University enforcement of IRS regulations, all requests for reimbursement submitted more than sixty days after the event takes place will be processed as income to the person who incurred the expense.

    If the workshop expenses are $50 or less, the reimbursement can be processed immediately in cash through our
    petty cash fund. For charges over $50, you will be reimbursed through check or direct deposit from the Travel & Reimbursement department. In both cases, you must submit an itemized receipt to the workshop administrator, indicating the workshop meeting with which the expense was associated.

    Since the reimbursement process can take several weeks, we strongly discourage student coordinators from putting expenses on their personal credit cards.

    The Humanities Center provides workshop coordinators with the use of a PCard for specific workshop-related purchases such as food (no alcohol) and beverage and book orders on a limited first come, first served basis. Please contact Kent Safford for details and procedures. Additionally, if your department allows, you may use its PCard to purchase items for your workshop. You must give the departmental PCard administrator your workshop PTA (account number) and keep a copy of the receipt to submit to Kent Safford so that the charge will be approved.
  • Direct Billing[+]
    Airline Tickets & Rental Cars

    We encourage you to discuss transportation arrangements with visiting speakers before their arrival. Most travelers prefer to book their own transportation. We suggest that in your letter of invitation you encourage your speakers to seek out reasonably priced airfare. As a reminder, Stanford University policy requires economy class travel. To reimburse the traveler, we will need receipts proving that the trip was taken: An e-ticket confirmation showing the traveler’s name, the amount of the ticket and confirmation that the ticket has been paid, or a duplicate ticket or a photocopy of the tickets showing the same information.

    Car Rental, Car Insurance, Zip Cars, Mileage, and Parking

    Only genuine receipts (no cost estimates) are eligible for car rental reimbursement. Stanford carries a blanket insurance policy that covers Stanford-related business travel and Stanford will not reimburse any rental car insurance purchased independently. You may wish to use workshop funds to purchase parking scratchers through the Stanford office of Parking and Transportation. Zip Car rental, mileage, parking and bridge toll receipts will be reimbursed via Petty Cash.


    We have arranged direct billing with the following hotels. If you wish to use other hotels, workshop visitors or faculty coordinators can pay for lodging costs out-of-pocket and request reimbursement. Please include copies of the statement/folio.

    • Cardinal Hotel (323-5101), 235 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto, Account #HUMCENT
    • Hotel California (322-7666), 2431 Ash Street, Palo Alto
    • Stanford Guest House (926-2800), 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, (Requires PTA authorization to bill directly. Notify Kent Safford to assist you.)
    • The Sheraton Palo Alto (328-2800), 625 El Camino Real
    • The Westin Palo Alto (321-4422), 675 El Camino Real

    When you make a reservation at one of these hotels, always state that the reservation is for a Stanford Humanities Center Research Workshop event. Tell reservations that you want room and tax direct billed to the Humanities Center and give your name and the workshop administrator’s name and contact information (see below):

    Stanford Humanities Center (c/o Kent Safford)
    424 Santa Teresa Street
    Stanford University, Stanford, CA
    Tel: 650.724.8169
    Email: [email protected]

    After the room is booked, immediately via email, notify the workshop administrator of the reservation and provide the following information:

    • Workshop name
    • Name of the visitor
    • Title and date of the specific event for which the visitor is invited
    • Hotel reservation date(s) and the cost of the total stay
    • The reservation reference number, if given

    Audio-Visual Equipment, Services, and Event-Related Rentals

    Items such as LCD projectors, VCRs, slide projectors, tables and chairs, and services such as videotaping, can be reserved and billed directly to your workshop’s account number through Stanford’s Events and Labor Services website: https://fac-elsweb.stanford.edu/ws/rqst/su13.fft Please make requests at least five working days before the date you need the item or service.

    Use the “request for service” link to place an order, and give the following information:


    The Campus FedEx-Kinko’s is open M-F 8 AM-7 PM and will only accept a credit card or a departmental PCard.

    Reimbursing Visiting Speakers

    All visiting speakers/workshop presenters must submit a signed copy of the University’s LA-6 form to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses and/or charged expenses (e.g. airfare, food, transportation, and lodging). No reimbursement for any expenses will be made without the signed LA-6. There are no exceptions to this rule.

    Payments and reimbursements will not be made if there is no information about the meeting at which the expense was incurred. Workshop coordinators must keep the workshop administrator apprised of all information concerning visiting speakers. Reimbursing Expenses to U.S. Citizens and U.S. Residents Along with complete receipts, all U.S. citizens and U.S. residents must submit a signed: LA-6 form Letter of invitation (a copy of the email correspondence is sufficient) Reimbursing Expenses to Visitors from Outside the U.S. Along with complete receipts*, visitors from foreign countries must submit a signed:

    • LA-6 form
    • A copy of their passport’s biographical information page
    • A copy of their passport’s visa page
    • Photocopy of the I-94 arrival/departure card (stapled inside their passport). The I-94 must be photocopied while the traveler is at Stanford. Airline officials will remove it upon the traveler’s return home. Please note that without an SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) foreign residents can be reimbursed for travel expenses but cannot receive honoraria.
    • Letter of invitation (a copy of the email correspondence is sufficient)

    *For travel reimbursement to foreign visitors, we need the original receipts indicating date, amount and local currency
  • Paying Honoraria[+]
    In order to pay honoraria, a W-9 form is required in addition to a signed LA-6 Form. Non-U.S. citizen visitors are required to submit additional documentation. No exceptions can be made; Stanford University policy requires this paperwork in order to comply with IRS and Homeland Security regulations. The IRS considers honoraria income. Upon valid completion of form 8233, the university does not withhold tax. Honoraria are reportable as taxable income. Please note that forms for honoraria requests (U.S. citizens/residents and foreign) must be submitted one month prior to presentation date if honorarium is expected at time of presentation.

    Paying Honoraria, U.S. Citizens

    All U.S. citizens must submit a signed:

    • LA-6 form
    • W-9 form
    • Letter of invitation (a copy of the email correspondence is sufficient)

    Paying Honoraria, Non-U.S. Citizens/U.S. Residents

    All U.S. residents who are not U.S. citizens must submit a signed:

    • LA-6 form
    • W-9 form
    • Photocopy of their Green Card (Alien Registration card)
    • Letter of invitation (a copy of the email correspondence is sufficient)

    Paying Honoraria, Non-U.S. Citizens/Foreign Residents

    Residents of foreign countries must submit a signed:

    • LA-6 form
    • Photocopy of the passport’s biographical information page
    • Photocopy of the passport’s visa page
    • Photocopy of the I-94 arrival/departure card (stapled inside their passport). The I-94 must be photocopied while the traveler is at Stanford. The airline will remove it upon the traveler’s return home.
    • An SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). For short-term visits (under nine days), an ITIN is normally appropriate. To apply for an ITIN, fill out the Application for Signature Ready W-7. Send all forms to the workshop administrator. The Bechtel International Center at Stanford will complete the process for a $125 fee. For more information, see the section on Obtaining an ITIN for a Foreign Visitor. Bechtel’s website is very helpful on these matters.
    • IRS form 8233 Exemption From Withholding on Compensation for Independent Services of a nonresident alien individual for honoraria or services (applies only to citizens of tax treaty countries).
    • Letter of invitation (a copy of the email correspondence is sufficient)

    Guidelines for Honoraria Payments

    • No honoraria may be paid to Stanford faculty and employees
    • Up to a $200 honorarium may be paid to visiting speakers from the Bay Area
    • Up to a $300 honorarium may be paid to visiting speakers staying 1-2 nights.
    • Up to a $500 honorarium may be paid to visiting speakers staying more than 2 nights.
    • Up to a $700 honorarium may be paid to visiting speakers traveling from outside North America.
    • If you wish to pay a higher honorarium to a speaker, you may seek contributions from other sources. You may also use the workshop faculty coordinator's research funds (given by the H&S; Dean's office to support the program) to supplement an honorarium payment.