David Magnus, Ph.D.
Academic Appointments
- Professor (Teaching), Pediatrics - Centers, Center for Biomedical Ethics
- Professor (Teaching) (By courtesy), Medicine
Key Documents
Contact Information
- Academic Offices
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Professional Overview
Administrative Appointments
- Chair, Program in Regenerative Medicine Sub-Committee on Bioethics and Conflict of Interest (2005 - present)
- Co-Director, Scholarly Concentration in Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities (2003 - present)
- Co-Chair, Stanford Hospital and Clinics Ethics Committee (2003 - present)
- Director, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics (2003 - present)
Honors and Awards
- Expert for World Bank on Food Security and Biotechnology, The World Bank (2000)
- Secretary of Agriculture's Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and the 21st Century (Member), Agriculture Advisory Committee (2003)
- Committee on Biological Confinement of Genetically Engineered Organisms (Member), National Research Council of the Academies (2002-2003)
- E.G. Young Seminar, Chemical Institute of Canada (2000)
- Best New Journal Award, Council of Editors of Learned Journals for the American Journal of Bioethics (2004)
- Arnold G. Wedum Memorial Lecture, American Biological Safety Association (2003)
Professional Education
Ph.D.: | Stanford University, Philosophy |
B.A.: | UC Riverside, Philosophy |
Internet Links
Scientific Focus
Current Research Interests
Genetic testing, gene therapy, genetically engineered organisms, and the history of eugenics. Stem cell research and cloning, and egg procurement. Examining ethical issues in reproductive technologies. Organ transplantation including donation after cardiac death, ethics of listing decisions. End of life issues in both adults and children.
- Informational risk, institutional review, and autonomy in the proposed changes to the common rule. IRB. 2012 May-Jun; (3): 17-9
- Customers or research participants?: Guidance for research practices in commercialization of personal genomics. Genet Med. 2012; (10): 833-835
- Duty-free: the non-obligatory nature of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Am J Bioeth. 2012; (4): 1-2
- The instrumental role of hospital ethics committees in policy work. Am J Bioeth. 2012; (11): 1-2
- Triggers for research ethics consultation. Sci Transl Med. 2012; (118): 118cm1
- Beyond the IRB: local service versus global oversight. Am J Bioeth. 2011; (5): 1-2