Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics
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In The News

Dr. Tom Raffin, the Colleen and Robert Haas Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine), Emeritus, and Dr. David Magnus, Professor of Pediatrics (Bioethics), shared an honor on April 15th thanks to the generosity of the Haas family. In 1999 Dr. Raffin was named to the Haas Professorship with the recognition that, when he became emeritus, the professorship would be named in his honor. He became emeritus in 2009, and the Thomas A Raffin Professorship was established in Bioethics. I am pleased to announce that Dr. Magnus is the first incumbent. Drs. Raffin and Magnus, along with their families, friends and colleagues, shared this joint honor with Colleen and Robert Haas at a wonderful event on April 15th. Much appreciation and congratulations to all. Profile>

Current Myths About Health Care Reform Need to be Explored:

Assn. of Bioethics Program Directors
Official Statement :

The Impact of Film in Teaching Cultural Medicine
(Murphy-Shigematsu and Grainger-Monsen) was recently published in Literature and the Arts in Medical Education. Download the article.

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logo   Program in Arts, Humanities and Medicine
logo   Program in Bioethics and Film
logo   Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics (CIRGE)
logo   Program in Neuroethics
logo   Program on Stem Cells in Society

The Stem Cell Blog »

For more on the Ethics of Health Care Reform:
Please listen to this conversation with ABPD President-elect David Magnus and read this article in the LA Times.

Advance Health Care Information

California law give you the ability to ensure that your health care wishes are known and considered if you become unable to make these decisions yourself.  Completing a form called an “Advance Health Care Directive” allows you to do a number of things:

Appoint another person to be your health care “agent”·        

Delineate your health care wishes, such as:
      o   Health care instructions, including life             support, organ and tissue donation
      o   Revoke prior directives

A sample form is attached for reference.  Acknowledgment before a notary public is not required if two qualified witnesses have signed this Directive in Part 5.  In other words this is a free legally binding document.


Upcoming Events

RARE, a new feature documentary by Maren Grainger-Monsen and Nicole Newnham is being broadcast on National Public Television.  It will air in the Bay Area on KQED-9, Sunday, October 7th at 6pm.

There will also be a free local screening on November 1st at 6pm at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco for the Bay Area Science Festival.

For more information, check out facebook and twitter and the Rare website for airdates.


A gift may be made in the form of a check, securities, a bequest, or a complex trust arrangement designed to maximize tax advantages. Checks should be made payable to Stanford University.

For financial donations, the primary contact for the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is:

Anne Crowe
Assistant Director
[email protected]

Please note SCBE's new address:
1215 Welch Road, Modular A
Stanford, CA  94305-5417
Directions PDF

Visit Pegasus Physicians at Stanford for information on a working group of Stanford physician-writer.

Holidays thru 01/08/12  (.pdf)

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