Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Program on Stem Cells in Society

In 1998, the discovery of human embryonic stem cells was hailed as a landmark event, promising insights into and treatments for diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Stem cell research has since ignited debates ranging from the extension of the human lifespan to abortion, human cloning, "designer babies," and the question of when life begins...

2006 PSCS Annual Symposium: Beyond the Embryo. (jpg)
2007 PSCS Annual Symposium: Stem Cells Hit the Road. (jpg)

CIRM-sponsored event, Spotlight on Cerebral Palsy (pdf) to be held 8 August at the University of California, San Francisco.

“Straight Talk about Stem Cells” now on iTunes U

Stanford classes on iTunes! Lectures from the popular class “The Stem Cell” will post in July! Go to on iTunes U.

KQED’s Forum with Michael Krasny
Program Description: In light of President Bush’s recent veto of a measure promoting embryonic stem cell research, the program examines the political, social and legal implications of the veto and assesses how California is independently developing this scientific investigation.

  • Alta Charo, professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin Law School

  • Christopher Thomas Scott, director of Stanford’s Program on Stem Cells in Society at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

  • Dale Carlson, chief communications officer for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

  • David Jensen, publisher of the California Stem Cell Report website and former editor at the Sacramento Bee

From KQED Forum: Stem Cell Veto (includes direct link to audio files of the program)

Introduction to PSCS

Scientific research into human stem cells may yield cures and therapies for mankind’s most intractable diseases. Clinical outcomes of stem cell therapy—called regenerative medicine—are touted as the future of biomedicine.

But new science often provokes a redefinition of ethical, societal and legal standards. Stem cells have reignited the debate about the moral status of the embryo. How, as a society, do we balance our responsibilities to the unborn and the sick?  Through research, education and outreach, the Stanford Program in Stem Cells and Society will address this and other important questions.

How to Donate

As a result of federal policy and challenges to the State of California’s stem cell research initiative, there is a critical need from foundations and individuals to support this most promising area of biomedical research. Foundation and private funding will help establish a pioneering program in this most promising area of life sciences, supporting quality leadership and organizational excellence as we endeavor to serve society through rigorous research, education and outreach programs.

For more information, contact Christopher Scott at [email protected] (650-725-6103) or Heather Renshaw at [email protected] (650-234-0604).

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